Reviews for A Deal With The Devil
Guest chapter 13 . 8/14
Loved it ..please update
pawnzy chapter 11 . 7/31
Woaahh! This chapter adds a whole lot of background info on what's going on. Thank you that the Sabakus are reliable allies! I just said in the last chapter that I hope that there's a nice guy, and now I get a whole nice family.

As always, Itachi breaks my heart :'(
pawnzy chapter 10 . 7/30
Every chapter in this story is so heart-breaking for me. How could Itachi do that? How can Hinata still love him? Why did Hiashi sign off everything?

I have a theory that Itachi told Hiashi about their relationship, and probably that they are getting married soon or something like that, that's why Hiashi signed. But I don't want this to be the case as Itachi will be a bigger asshole than what he is portrayed right now. How can he love Hinata and take advantage pf that love and what her crumble?

It sort of boggles me as to why Itachi couldn't have just eloped with Hinata if their families are against their relationship. Somehow, this scenario is easier to imagine with Sasuke, so in short, I like how the SasuHina is developing.

Despite this, Sasuke is also an asshole I can't help but wish Naruto (or even Gaara, since he is already in the story) will romance Hinata away from these bastards. Even Suigetsu will do at this point for me. Even though I know this will eventually end as SasuHina, maybe you can add a nice guy to sort off cheer up poor, poor Hinata? It doesn't even have to have romantic overtones. It would be nice to have a nice guy in her life aside from Ko. :)
Hinatahyuga0205 chapter 1 . 7/26
Ew I like naruhina peace out
jeyelsee chapter 13 . 7/12
I hope you continue the story.
Gamen chapter 1 . 5/20
Please update this story. I really enjoyed it specially during quarantine
Sasuhina fan chapter 1 . 5/6
I really love your story please update. This is a truly a gem so I request to continue and update your story please
Guest chapter 13 . 5/5
Love your work please update
blackraven9201 chapter 11 . 4/16
Thank you for letting Hinata have some self-respect for herself. I originally thought Hinata in a sense "being Itachi's Bitch" accepting the way he has been treating her, like she is his damn puppy. I really love this story, you are a phenomenal writer. Cant wait for you to update soon!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/1
This story is amazing. Please continue it. I can't wait to see how things between Itachi and Hinata are going.
Kichisaburo chapter 13 . 2/26
Aaa i just realized you updated! Thanks, cant wait to read more
Cursy-Chan chapter 13 . 1/2
Funny how I stopped reading fanfic for ageeees but when I saw you updated couldn’t believe my eyes, I can’t believe I even still remember everything about this fanfiction, my absolute favourite. And I can’t believe how cruel you are to leave, yet again, with a cliffhanger! Not fair :(
Above all, genuinely wishing you are well :)
TheFoxy88 chapter 12 . 12/27/2019
I forgot to tell you in my review of Chapter 13, but I hope you did well at your exams! I couldn't pray for you since it is already in the past... I hope you passed with flying colors as you mentioned lol
TheFoxy88 chapter 13 . 12/27/2019
Hi there! Another writer I like actually recommended your story and I'm very glad I listened to her/him!
I must say I'm very in love with your story!

It's the first time I find myself interested in the characters' backstory (and especially secondary characters) in a fanfiction (and globally actually). It was a very pleasant surprise! I was glad to learn more about the relationship between Fugaku, Ama and Rasa, between Hanabi and Hinata, Itachi and Sasuke, Sasuke and his father...

All your characters have depth, a distinct personality and background and they act accordingly (I know they are not literally yours but you have some original characters and I tried to write myself and you kinda make the character your own when you write him in an original situation. Sasuke for example can be portrayed as composed and taciturn or very passionate and blunt like you portray him. You need to understand the character very well, and imagine how he would react according to your vision of his personality (that can differ a bit from the original character, as we are not in Masashi Kishimoto's head) and I find it very difficult).
It sounds like a given but I actually didn't feel that this clearly in a lot of fanfiction even when they were well written. But you always manage to convey all the complicated feelings and moods the characters experience! And in such intensity! The first chapters had me blown away with the feels lol

I really wanted to cry when Sasuke was humiliated by his father in front of the shareholders, when it reminded Hinata of her own past with her sister and above all when Sasuke talked to Itachi afterwards. He was in such an immense pain I could feel it! You describe very well what the characters are feeling which makes our involvement in the story heightened.

I like how most of the characters' point of view is shared, with their beliefs and questions about what surrounds them (for example with Rasa and the link between Fugaku's actions and his love for Ama).

And your chapters are sooo long! Not that I'm complaining, I love it, especially when a new one will be out! I can't wait! Where is Sasuke, or is he gonna come back out of nowhere, but in what state? And Hinata and Itachi in the car together! With Fugaku watching them! Is Itachi going to let all his barriers down and let Hinata comfort him? But what is he gonna do with the whole "she must stop loving me" if he is gonna act like this and invite her in his car (and earlier making advances to her while she is cleaning his office!) And when Hinata is going to stop loving Itachi? (SasuHina fan here but I loved seeing Itachi and her all affectionate in the beginning). It is going to be hard with a person like Hinata, but it wouldn't be Hinata if it were to happen differently, and that's why she's so lovable.

I must add I love how your characters are so close to their original personalities, Itachi being ready to sacrifice everything he has for someone even if it means hurting them like crazy, Hinata being sooo sweet and compassionate and Sasuke being a hurt human that is just asking for some love ;(

I also really like the plot and how every little action have huge consequences lol, like when Hinata didn't prepare a lunch for Sasuke, which resulted in the elevator crisis (I really thought they were going to get physical in that moment!). Everything is well planted in advance so when a new character makes his apparition or an event occurs, it is not out of nowhere, your story-telling is good, it makes sense.
Your story made me want to try writing again (I always fail to write more than a short chapter because I don't know where I want the story to go :/ ).

I think I'm saying all this to attempt to say you write really well and I love it and I want more? xD (I'm French so it's kind of hard to express myself in English). I'll be waiting but don't feel pressured, I prefer quality over quantity so I'll wait a little longer for a good chapter.
I wish you a lot of inspiration and time to write ! 3
With love, Foxy (I don't know why I end my review like this but I want to express my love for you and this amazing story lmao)
Undercoverbarbie chapter 13 . 12/17/2019
Love this story!
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