Reviews for When Duo Gets Bored
cyn2100 chapter 7 . 9/10/2012
i think i just swore off tootsie pops... Good job!
kitannawinter chapter 7 . 5/14/2009
it would be a crime not to continue.

btw you ever consider doing a gundam seed crossover?
It's Raining Snow chapter 7 . 3/30/2009
omg this story has me peeing my pants i'm laughing so hard. i so so so sso wish you would update even though i know there is no hope :p loved it.
It's Raining Snow chapter 6 . 3/30/2009
*chokes on cake* that was awesome... i bet the sheep had a suprised look on it's face.. ;)
It's Raining Snow chapter 5 . 3/30/2009
It's Raining Snow chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
ROTFLMFAO *snorts* i'm dying here! THIS IS AWESOME.I LOVE IT! LOVE IT!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/22/2008
haha I read this fic years ago and just unearth it again still funny as heck now
DustBunnyQueen chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
::falls over laughng hysterically:: oh...oh dear God...I think I dislocated my liver! lol. that is the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER read in my entire life! You, my friend, are a comedy MASTERMIND! keep up the excellent work! ::continues snickering:: spleen...
Novocain chapter 7 . 1/16/2008
Heh heh. Wow, I actually teared up, I was laughing so hard. I love it - especially the sheep. All of them were brilliant...and the last one! Ha!

By the way, did anyone write the Treize/Wufei scene? Because I'd really like to read it. -

I'd like to give you inspiration, but I'm no good at the moment. I'm not a prankster, sadly. But I look forward to your next burst of genius, no matter how long it takes!
yaoifan chapter 7 . 12/26/2007
oh please please please please please continue. i'll love you forever. lol.
alatnet chapter 7 . 7/29/2007
Oh god that's evil!

Update soon.

Ja ne!
Trimulation chapter 7 . 3/24/2007
Man! this is an awesome fic!

i loved the pranks you pulled! if you ever pull them out in reall life, i dont know if i'd want to meet you, or run away as fast as humanely possible! he he he! i have done a few of my own though, some not too funny though.

Tried the 'Blowing up a Toilet'? i know its old, but have you tried the timed version? you make a paper boat, with the head of a bottle peeking through the center to keep the wick dry. in the bottle theres a little homemade napalm (easy, its just warm petrol and paint thinner, for the 'Boom' and the 'Burn') let the wick trail out of the lip of the toilet (paper boat keeps wick dry) and masking tape the bowl shut. light the wick, and RUN!

apparently, the wall was too thin, and the toilet blew a hole in the next room, the medical room. So much trouble, it wasnt funny.

Also managed to switch my friends pen in a history exam, gave her an 'invisible ink' pen, one that only starts going invisible after about 20 minutes. she almost killed me, but it was worth seeing the look on our history teachers face.

walk up to one of your teachers, in the middle of class, and tell them they left their sex wax in the surfing lodge you rented after them. when they deny, whip out said pot of sex wax, with their name on it, and hand it back to them. I did this, and i was just lucky tha tthe teacher was mortified enough to not say anything to anyone else.

i've superglued a friends finger to his nose in art class (he was sleeping) the other i masking taped to an open glass of pvc glue on the table.

I've superglued my friends cheek to his paper (while he was sleeping on said paper)

I've superglued my friends glasses to his face, after painting the frames black. I then emptied a small bottle of cooking oil on the floor around his chair.

I then borrowed a whistle from the PE dept, and blew it in his ear, stayed long enough to watch, and i split before he could spot me and rat me out. the result was worth it. He lurched up, tried to clap his hands over his head, but pulled a few nose hairs in the process, and dumped the contents of the pvc glass on his head, and got it in his hair, tipped, fell. he tried to take off the glasses, but started screaming when some of the skin on his face came off with it, just where the glasses rested on his nose. he was on his back in the art room, screaming, when his girl friend heard him from the cafeteria, and came at a dead run. she saw what was happening, and screamed. Everyone else from the caff came at a more sedate pace, but when they saw what happened, they had to laugh. there was a large, grinning smiley face glued to his cheek, and he had glue in his hair and cooking oil in his pants. of course, noone suspects the prefect on duty, the one that never gets in trouble. I was bypassed by the inquisition, so i'm still okay. :)
Jace chapter 7 . 2/23/2007
Cherry...good one!
Storm Queen chapter 7 . 1/31/2007
you are the BEST at these prank stories! None has your flare or your ideas. Oh I also wanted to tell you fo a prank my friend pulled that got the new vice principal sent to the nut house. She soaked a bunch of dead penguins in a vat of hair gel (no she didn't kill them. There was some epidemic at the zoo)until they got all rubbery. then she hung them from the ceiling of the vp's office with fishing line. then she painted a red pentagon(?) on the floor. now that I think of it i'm not sure it's true, but it's still funny. also, her friend dyed her ipnk, glued pink fur on her, cat ears on her head and a tail to her back and made her breath helium all night. she had a squeeky voice for a week.
dragon of mith chapter 7 . 10/14/2006
man i loveing this story. those blue pills sounded like that weekender dart from your Worlds Apart story. and i loved that one hopeing for a sequil on it.i hope you have a great month.

Signed: human kitsune hero
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