Reviews for One Red Thread
AshenMoon42 chapter 10 . 12/2/2018
I know you haven't been on fanfiction for a couple years, but if you're reading this and you have the time, please come back and update this! I love the characters and Sirius' relationships and how he's slowly becoming more rebellious and less formal. This is really well written, so please, PLEASE update for all of the readers who are still following this.
American Animagus chapter 10 . 2/27/2017
Since this hasn't been updated in almost two years i'll assume you will not be continuing but i would like to say that this is the best fanfiction i have read about Sirius's relationship with his family. It is made very clear in the books that Sirius and his family do not have a good relationship (Under statement of the century) but i think a lot of people don't think about how there could have been a time where his family were close and Sirius wasn't constantly abused through out his childhood. This fanfiction is the first iv'e read that actually show a slow descent in his relationship with his family instead of him instantly hating them despite not really having a reason (of course he wouldn't like their pureblood beliefs in his later life but his family would have been constantly talking about mudbloods and stuff, before hogwarts nobody he would have met would have said anything against the belief). I think this is the most 'accurate' you could have gotten too what Sirius's first year would have been like.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/12/2016
I just discovered this gem and absolutely love it! It's very well written and a very unique perspective that I'm loving. I hope you plan to continue the story and update. You've now got me hooked and I'm not a patient person when it comes to stories I like. Excellent job!
chocolate fish chapter 10 . 2/10/2016
Very much enjoyed this, interesting how you've written the family politics. I enjoyed your earlier description of transfiguration and potions theory too. Hopefully you do indeed continue this story, even if it does take another four years :)
The Royal Cupcake chapter 10 . 8/30/2015
So, Andromeda is going to be running away with Ted soon. That is definitely not going to go well with the Black Family, but is she going to tell Sirius about it? Anyway, good chapter! Update soon!
Arnel 63 chapter 10 . 8/29/2015
Your Walburga is deliciously horrible, everything I expected her to be. In contrast, I can't help feeling sorry for Sirius and just a bit glad that he actually thought spending an afternoon with his older cousins was going to be better than staring at the walls of the Grimmauld Place library. If I am correct, I think possibly James will learn how to deliver his letters directly to Sirius' bedroom, bypassing Walburga. I'm not sure Sirius can take another haranguing like the one she gave him at the table. Hopefully, Orion will let Sirius go to Diagon Alley unsupervised. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Arnel 63 chapter 9 . 8/5/2015
It's taken a while, but I've finally read through the entire story. You've done a good job of showing the development of Sirius' acceptance by the other three Gryffindor first-year boys. I'm glad the year was fraught with social bumps and earned detentions. I certainly had not expected James' hostility after learning Sirius' surname, but that actually made the story very real. I found it interesting that James considers Sirius more fluent in Dark magic than Snape, since Remus and Sirius tell Harry in OotP that Snape was the one to be more well-versed in the subject than any other first-year.

Frankly, your Walburga Black frightens me and I can't help wondering what sort of mother would do the vindictive things she does to her own son. It's not his fault the Sorting Hat made the choice it did. Certainly, at this point in time, none of the boys knows what's going to transpire eight years hence, proving that the Hat was actually correct in putting Sirius in the house it did. I'm hoping Walburga won't treat Sirius as badly as she did at Christmas during the summer hols, but I think that's too much to hope for.

I'm looking forward to your next chapter and hope it appears soon. Well done.
RodeoTown chapter 9 . 8/3/2015
Excellent chapter! I'm really looking forward to seeing what Sirius' summer is going to be like.
Arnel 63 chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
Sirius is going to get a Howler from Walburga on the first day of classes, I predict. Not good. I'm looking forward to seeing how he settles in to a house he was completely unprepared for. He's going to have to swallow some of that pride his mother has been cultivating in him, I bet. Well done.
Arnel 63 chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
This is a terrific story. I really enjoy your glimpse into Sirius' early years, especially the reflection of his parents' opinions and beliefs, which, just like many pre-Hogwarts-age children, Sirius takes for granted because that's all he knows. Walburga is as imperious as I've ever imagined her to be...and I detest her already! Well done.

I'm off to read chapter two.
The Royal Cupcake chapter 9 . 8/2/2015
Hopefully Siruis' family won't be too hard on him this summer. Good chapter, update soon!
KiwiSaladFace chapter 9 . 8/2/2015
:) Yay!
noda9912 chapter 8 . 7/19/2015
Awesome story, please update!
KiwiSaladFace chapter 8 . 6/5/2015
This is neat and I do wish there was more to read. Thank you!
Rainbow Potato Pancake chapter 8 . 3/15/2015
Amazing amazing amazing!
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