Reviews for Your hand over my heart
Pierrina chapter 15 . 6/12/2015
Your story was perfect . Grea job
Goose chapter 4 . 11/30/2014
Who the hell is Chante?
Kara Glassman chapter 2 . 11/13/2009
Hi, just saying, one: great story

and two: It's Ginevra Weasley... Not Virginia Weasley. It could work, but it's Ginevra.

Anyway, good start! I'm gonna keep reading now :)
lune chapter 14 . 3/9/2007
your first? JESUS that was good! i had no idea it was your FIRST! i've read alot of d/g fics and not alot of them were better than yours. you have a way with words (bit of a cliche no? lol) no really it was really good. it had everything rolled up in a ball of famazing. :)
Wow chapter 14 . 8/22/2003
That was really... romantic... *sigh*
Wow chapter 4 . 8/22/2003
so sweet... *sigh* Great ideas, jealous of Malfoy tho, he can play piano and draw? I wish...
Wow chapter 1 . 8/22/2003
AH! heheheheheWell, they got along quick
RyokoJesseandFiend chapter 1 . 8/21/2003

I lvoe Observant!Draco. Keep it up! Ginny is a very likeable character. I read the prequel, and I love the idea of Ginny being part-Siren. It seems to suit her. I als like the idea of her Grandmother giving her an Invisibility Amulet. She needs to have some things that are just hers.
hart-break chapter 14 . 8/8/2003
gosh so emtional. im weeping here for real. u are my offical favorite draco and ginny fiction writer. i love the other one as well. totally in love with ur d/g fics!
DiddlyDiFairy chapter 14 . 4/18/2003
OMG! That was the best story I ever read! I LOVE IT~! It was WONDERFUL!
Ruby-servantof-eli chapter 14 . 3/26/2003
So Cute!

*sniffles* Some evil cliffies but a very good story!

Excellent as usual!
Ezmerelda chapter 14 . 3/23/2003
Aw, don't let the flamers get you down. This story was sweet and fluffy and some people just don't like sweet and fluffy.

I thought you did a pretty good job for your age, keep working at it and you'll get even better.

Thanks for writing!
Underlined Twice chapter 15 . 2/21/2003
I loved it! You HAVE to keep writing! I'm looking forward to your next fic!
Crystal Snowflakes chapter 14 . 1/12/2003
*claps!* Great job! *grins*

And congrats!
KeeperOfTheMoon chapter 15 . 1/12/2003
that was brillant! i love it! oh i was crying when Ginny stabbed Draco! brillant!
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