Reviews for Case Phenomenal
karush chapter 7 . 8/3/2006
please update soon! i'm nevous!
stei chapter 7 . 8/17/2004
Wow, you actually updated... I've been wating for a million years to read this... It's great. I can't wait for the next chapter x3~!

The Takari scenes in this chapter was cute and artfully cunning. Great job :D.
flipstahhz chapter 7 . 7/15/2004
great chapter! ] Sorry for not reviewing/reading earlier..just been real busy these days. this chapter was rather interesting and enjoyable since i support takari and sorato..(what more can you ask for -) .. continue with your good work and update soon! [can't wait] ... but then again, don't rush it. Never rush a story...take care!

theladyknight chapter 7 . 7/11/2004
i like ur story. i hope u update soon cuz i want to know what happens!
ebacusta chapter 7 . 7/10/2004
This was really good. I like your writing style. Please continue soon. It's already taken you 2 years to get this far, please don't let it take another 2 for it to go another 7 chapters.
Limewings chapter 7 . 7/10/2004
This chapter was great. I'm excited to see what happens next. I don't mind waiting as long as you still plan to continue eventually. So, take your time. _
missy chapter 7 . 7/10/2004
love love love wrirte more soon cant wait for next chapter
Akino Ame chapter 7 . 7/10/2004
Excellent chapter. We are getting closer and closer to finding out about the mysterious man as well as discovering the leaders of the Sayonara gang. Sora's dynamics with her enigmatic companion are quite humorous, as well as her problems with her own psyche. I pity her when the effects of the champaigne kick in. And for Kari versus her brother? I wonder who will win *that* bout. I certainly hope that she manages to keep her head in this deepening situation with Takeru. The last thing they need is yet another young woman caught up in a mystery involving a blonde man.

Well, I cannot wait for the next chapter. This mystery is certainly becoming inescapable. Till the next!
Placid Snowflake chapter 7 . 7/10/2004
Great! I'm so happy you updated! Very mysterious, you must continue this! No apology, I believe this story is worth the wait, as long as you update at some point in time.
Angel chapter 1 . 5/9/2004
Hi i want to say that i love your fanfic and i would love it more if you could put up more chapter's.
windedlove chapter 6 . 3/21/2004
PLZ UPDATE SOON! its been so long! plz!
Yes u will update soon
No, you WILL update soon!
i just reread ur story so i want to know what happens next! hurry! plz?
digimonaticca chapter 1 . 3/21/2004
This story kicks ass! Sora kicks ass! Normally, I don't really like AU stories without digimon in'em, but this one totally takse the cake!
suisei no mitsukai chapter 6 . 3/1/2004
We an update. . Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more of Sora and find out what's up with the guy following her around.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/25/2004
this is the best story that ive ever read
its only been a couple minutes since i just finished reading this...but im already going INSANE cuz i wanna read the next chappie
so pleaz UPDATE!
Scythe24 chapter 6 . 2/6/2004
This is getting VERY interesting. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please upload it soon! And I have one question, are you a police officer? Cause you know so much about the ranks and guns and departments and stuff so I was just wondering.
Sayonara bye buy$
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