Reviews for Möbius strip
Puidwen chapter 2 . 11/23/2019
Love the fic.
KrisB-71854 chapter 3 . 10/3/2019
The only bit that I'd really suggest is Ranma being utterly creeped out by Akane now. Akane and Ami are usually shown to be damn near identical in looks.

I could see him just shuddering at that one. This was an interesting start. I actually like the idea of Nodoka and Mrs. Mizuno. They seem to be better. Genma and Nodoka seems to be one of those arrangements that didn't really work.

He might have thought that he loved her, but when life got remotely difficult, he went on extended training journeys leaving her alone. It wasn't until she had the relationship with Mrs. Mizuno that she knew what a real loving relationship was.

I can't really blame the elder for pranking her. I can be irked at her for not sending a sign to Ranma though. With all the crap that Nodoka put Ranma through, she certainly deserves to be treated like a male that left their pregnant lover.

Even now, she is thinking more of Genma, but she's also mostly confused. It seems that she had no idea about Ami.

I'm interested in seeing Ranma and Ami just have a sibling relationship.

I'm not fond of the usual Ranma pairings. O.k. I like Nabiki and Kasumi some times, but the others? Nope. Not really. I've read tons of SM crosses where he has been matched with any or all of them. That's just been done a bit too much. Unless you can think of a good twist on things.

Oddly, I can see Ranma bonding with a few of the girls, but not wanting to date any of them. Them showing any signs of wanting to date or flirting with him would basically scare him off.

Nodoka was trying to play the part of what she thought was Ranma. It's amazing she lived through it. Ranma would have taken down the three without barely thinking about it.

I'm not sure that I'd agree with Ranma that Genma would just show right back up. I could see him taking a few months or a year or two before he made another appearance.

I've only really seen a handful of awesome Genma's. Yours is an above-average one for the moment. He seems to be one of those things that just screws up Ranma live just by existing sort of things.

Without him around, there wouldn't be that large of a push to join the schools right now. With all this family stuff, the Tendos might nod and let him run off for the moment... It might be a great idea to delay a few things for now.

I've never really thought of Ranma as engaged. He was more stalked and sold to 3-4 unwanted suitors. He only saves Akane because it is his vague duty to. I'd love for him to just fall into hanging around with the Scouts and start getting a taste of really saving folks and being a hero.

One thing that I usually dislike about some of things crosses is making the ki users totally weak against the magic using demons or life draining monsters. It sort of makes sense against the life draining monsters.

You know what would be an ironic final pairing for Ranma? Him hooking up with that boy that runs that SM ice cream store. It's just a pairing like that would be the most unexpected and out of nowhere sorts of things. I could also really see him considering it for ice cream.
Lukkai chapter 3 . 1/17/2019
This story needs a continuation so terribly hard, diamonds are looking upon it in jealousy.
silverhawk88 chapter 3 . 12/26/2018
I got really into this story! It started out good! I hope you will continue writing this story.
Mr.Staypuft chapter 3 . 6/7/2017
I would like to read more of this story. Do you plan to continue it?
kirbyfan1996 chapter 3 . 5/19/2016
An interesting start. Would like to see more.
tarrangar chapter 3 . 11/19/2015
That Swipers no swiping is rather hypocritical your writing fanfiction so you yourself are swiping ideas from the real Authors of Ranma and Sailor moon.

Not interested in taking your ideas or anything but I just find fanfiction writers who go my idea don't steal it to be so very hypocritical.
Vld chapter 3 . 10/10/2015
Man, i hope you haven't abandoned this story, because i started pretty well.
kenbre chapter 3 . 10/6/2015
Enjoyed this fic do you intend to finish it
James Birdsong chapter 3 . 7/11/2015
Good three chapters
spicarus chapter 3 . 5/23/2015
I do hope this gets updated soon.

I'm waiting for Ranma and Nodoka to meet Rei and Usagi. And for Ryoga to wander throught the shrine and see Ranma in the company of four girls (Rei, Usagi, Ami and Nodoka) none of whom are Akane.
HecatonchiresLM chapter 3 . 3/17/2015
Really enjoyed. More to come?
EliteShadow chapter 3 . 2/25/2015
cool story so far please update and post more chapters plz!
Veedramon chapter 3 . 1/17/2015
if this the man hating Rei from the manga... oh my!
Veedramon chapter 2 . 1/17/2015
Well, is this still season one Sailor Moon?
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