Reviews for Needed
Manuel A Garcia chapter 21 . 1/7/2018
Please update
xAnimejunkie23x chapter 21 . 4/23/2015
OMG this is one of the best stories I've read in awhile 0.0 so much drama. So good xD can't wait for the next chapter
IceMaster1928 chapter 21 . 3/31/2015
Ooooohh something smells awfully fishy around this chapter.-_- But I don't care cause this chapter was awsesome! That little mystery thing at the end was just...WOW! I was wowed(is it possible to get wowed?(is wowed even a word?))!
malekoydaerb chapter 21 . 3/31/2015
well... shit.

that's certainly one way to come back from a break in chapters... i really hope that the girls dont get interrupted the way i fear they are about to be...
lee child chapter 20 . 2/24/2015
Hey man big fan but I think it'd be great for some action (not sexual) like die hard maybe add some conspiracy to why their dad died I have wrote several books and I believe you have some talent Keep it up.
frozen boner666 chapter 20 . 2/18/2015
Hurry up man your slower than a asthmatic snail in peanut butter.
PrincessAnnaArendale chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
I love your story! I think its almost as awesome as you.. just thought I'd comment here and tell you to keep up the good work. I'll be waiting for all the chapters to come
malekoydaerb chapter 20 . 2/15/2015
this may seem slightly random, but thank you. several chapters of stories i follow have been rather down today, reading this chapter of adorable warm fuzziness helped cheer me up a bit. so yea, thanks

i'm very happy to see the girls together, very happy to see elsa not beat herself up about it anymore too. i get the feeling that anna's dream was a little... risque? that would explain the blush atleast. and their mom is awake! yay! that's really really good. now comes the question though, when do they tell her about them? i would venture to say that they shouldn't do anything til she's out of the hospital, that kind of conversation requires more privacy than available there. last note isn't quite so happy... why do i get the feeling that this is all just leading up to a cliff? it's like we're all just being built up and are just waiting for the floor to be yanked out from under us.

but yea, i sorta made mention of this in my last review, but one thing that has me worried is elsa's military status. couple chapters back you mentioned a ship date for her, which i have taken to mean that she was supposed to deploy? that happens when you are in the military, i know that first hand. but then comes the part that has me thrown for a loop; you had it get pushed back. if she's deploying that just doesn't happen, not for one person. if extenuating circumstances come up with a deployment one of 2 things happens: you are either cut from the deployment or are told to buck up and deal with it. idk, maybe i'm just taking things too literal and reading too much into this all...

and holy wall of text, sry about that, i kinda get carried away at times... so yea, keep up the great writing, i look forward to more of this awesome fic.
IceMaster1928 chapter 20 . 2/15/2015
Trust me I've seen plenty of people with bad scheduling and this...this is not bad. I'm actually kind of pumped to see the next chapter. It's like I'm watching a movie and I'm really excited to see the next part, but then the movie ends in a cliff hanger. I'm still hungover about Hunger Games Mocking Jay. If you haven't seen the movie it's awesome and there's so much suspense and action. Anyway, this chapter was obviously awesome even if it is short.

Haha you probably thought I was done but your Kool just putting that out there :)
malekoydaerb chapter 19 . 2/5/2015
ok so i just found this, read all of it in like 2 sittings.

holy crap amazing, love it thus far. this chapter was especially cute, i love the competitiveness that the girls have together. we got to see that earlier in the story, but it came out even more here, and anna's deviousness was just awesome. and then that ending... glad to see one of the girls growing some backbone. in a way i kinda hope that they dont do anything heavy, cause i dont want either of them to get hurt anymore than they already are going to be when elsa deploys. and yet at the same time i kinda hope that they do, cause i know what level of closeness will come from that and i love seeing the girls happy.

anyways, i definitely look forward to seeing how the rest of this story plays out, keep up the awesome writing.
Wolf Stevens chapter 19 . 2/5/2015
Sure, just leave us hanging. Lol. Keep it up, just wish I could read more faster! Great read
ptrpan89 chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
fawk! dude! carrion is my favorite song! I just about shit a brick when I saw it in this chapter. high five!
Holland92 chapter 17 . 1/15/2015
More fluff yayy!
Buckling in for the next chapter now :D
ApNxEch0 chapter 16 . 1/13/2015
Holland92 chapter 16 . 1/4/2015
Love it. That's all I can say. Well other than keep up the good work!
Same as the guy below me *double thumbs up*
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