Reviews for Of Riceballs & Tapenade
pingo1387 chapter 12 . 5/3/2018
Nice chapter! good thing those fucks got arrested
pingo1387 chapter 11 . 5/3/2018
Ghost Sanji! yay! poor Zoro jesus
pingo1387 chapter 10 . 5/3/2018
Super sweet chapter again! Love the frobin thrown in there and everything was so nice
pingo1387 chapter 9 . 5/3/2018
Aa realization of feelings is always good
pingo1387 chapter 8 . 5/3/2018
I have to ask, how many instances of sexual assault or near-sexual assault for drama and angst are we going to see? I love the parts with Usopp thank you
pingo1387 chapter 7 . 5/3/2018
Oh yay! Home and relationship development!
pingo1387 chapter 6 . 5/3/2018
Mmm this... was uncomfortable. I understand the want for drama but...
pingo1387 chapter 5 . 5/3/2018
Super sweet chapter! Love the visits to the restaurant and aquarium
pingo1387 chapter 4 . 5/3/2018
UGH don't make me cry. I love this tho
pingo1387 chapter 3 . 5/3/2018
How sweet~
pingo1387 chapter 2 . 5/3/2018
Damn, rest in peace Sanji. Maybe he'll come back as a ghost.
pingo1387 chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Nice start! Rereading this story since it's been a long time...
The Wandering Swordsman chapter 12 . 3/17/2016
So, I read all of your chapters and these are some things that were good and some you should consider for future chapters. Unfortunately, there will be more constructive criticism instead of compliments because there are things that could be improved.

After that chapter with the OC, the relationship between Luffy and Zoro bloomed a lot. It was nice to read their thoughts of each other, and later realized that they are mutual. Luffy and Kuina do care about Zoro a lot, how they watch over him and make sure he is doing okay.

The parts that confused me was the setting. You have mentioned this was in Japan, yet Zoro was drinking Kool-aid, which isn't sold in Japan. I also don't think food is sold during Kendo tournaments because it's not a game sport like soccer and baseball. Sometimes, the whole setting felt non-Japan, but I can't say so for myself because I don't know what living in Japan is like.

Also, about the word, 'kami' but I see that you're using it as an alternative for 'god' when people complain or curse. Japanese speakers don't use kami in that kind of way, so it would be best if you just stick it with 'god.' Otherwise, Zoro sounds like he's praying.

Finally, the age. I'm not sure how old Luffy and Zoro are. I imagined them as the age in the manga, but their behavior makes them younger: like 13 and 15. Especially when Kuina calls them 'boys' and how Luffy tries to pretend to be a pirate, plays with a stuffed animal that pretended to eat Zoro's face, their age becomes very ambiguous. If Luffy is 17 or 19, he should behave like one. He does act childish in the manga, but he has boundaries where he acts childish and parts where he doesn't. This goes for the same as Zoro. Since he is in the wheelchair and also very dependent on others, there are times when he suddenly sounds like he's 8 years old. You should be careful of that when you're writing his dialogue.

That's it.
These are a few of the thoughts I had while reading your story, but you can ignore them if you want.
The Wandering Swordsman chapter 7 . 3/14/2016
Ah, the good thing about that strange OC was that Zoro is finally freed from the nursery home! That's something to cheer about! :D I also like how Luffy is going to live with Kuina and Zoro, mainly for Zoro. I'm hoping that Luffy will brighten up Zoro's mood because two sad events happened, and he must feel very depressed...wonder what Luffy has up his sleeves?
The Wandering Swordsman chapter 6 . 3/14/2016
Hmm, to be honest, I'm not a hetero-fan, so I wasn't able to read through most of this chapter. Sorry about that, and from this I don't really have anything good to say. ;_; I don't really understand why this OC was added into this story, it felt a bit out of place in this plot. It actually made me sad that Zoro wasn't able to tell Luffy about what is happening to him. Kind of makes me compare, or wonder if the results were different if Sanji were alive.
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