Reviews for Distract
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
Can we please wait until the game is released and people actually play it and get to know each character like in depth before we decide to write fanfiction, there is really nothing to go off of besides their character design...and if you want to count the trailers but that's still nothing to go by with how each character's personality traits are...-_- or how they really are.
Womble619 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
Loved it! God please do another chapter I beg of you! HAHA! Can't wait for more FF15 fics to arise, I am sure as hell going to do my own one and I really hope Stella and Noc are a strong ship. I also hope we get to see some pretty hot Cidney fics :D

Really good write, I loved how Stella responds so casually to catching him lolz.
LisAlice5472 chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
This is so sweet! Very well done. I love a shy Nokuto-sama! This one seems really cute! :D
And Stella's teasing him in the end. Niiiiiice :3

And you're absolutely right. We need more Noctella stuff here. Just think how many stories will be uploaded by the time FF XV comes out (if it ever will, lol)

Have you read other Noctella stories here? They are almost pleasurable, but yours is unique!