Reviews for Perspective: Dark born Bright mind
Lokittenya chapter 44 . 10/11/2019
Oh my god...omg omg omg omg omg ...this is like the best Draco crossover fic I have ever holy mother of fanfiction...I love this..I hope you plan on continuing because I'm hooked and I'll cry if you don't...I love the Loki/Draco interaction and all do Draco justice...I just..I want to say that this is amazing..I lovd you, I love this story...hope to see more. Good luck
Ilive4cookies chapter 44 . 10/2/2019
You might as well have made it a crossover with Harry instead of Draco. 'Draco' exhibits none of his Slytherin qualities and I can't believe somebody could portray Draco as bad as you did in this story.
nessiesmith2012 chapter 15 . 7/14/2019
Draco is offically a weak griffindor with a hero complex and limited/naive view of morals... In other words you creted harry potter and tossed out everything interesting about draco. Geez cant get though a point in this storywithout draco having a pityparty or breaking down. He hasnt moved to get stronger just stays up late staring at things... Facinating to read its not. I tried giving this storya chance but angst isnt my thing and this is riddled with it. Tag your story better so we can know. Because chapter one and 2 were amazing after being found by coulson he has been weak and easily manipulated. From there he breaks down and crys alot and does little to change things just comments that he is weak then goes and does something stupid. Sound like draco?no. It sounds like harry.
nessiesmith2012 chapter 13 . 7/14/2019
Again with the emotional manipulation that he just goes with. Mention coulson and draco is your new pet ready to obey.
nessiesmith2012 chapter 12 . 7/14/2019
Wow your really just said that with the little blood draco could kill him but doesnt because hes not bad... Seriously? He survived a war no way he never killed no way he has that black and white moral compass. No way is he that childish in his believes of right and wrong. This means all the dead, pain and damage these aliens cause is on draco cause he could of ended it before loki opened the portal but because he is griffindor and naive he doesnt. Oh wait! He is slytherin and survived his family and war so he cant be that naive. Why create a complex character if your going to stick to a 12 yr old moral mentality of right and wrong?
nessiesmith2012 chapter 11 . 7/14/2019
Really draco is this useless? All his magic and he cant do anything because he is dizzy? Sits there crying...again while someone dies. Please make this a turning point for draco. Let him see the lies and how they are using him. Let him come into his own so he can do more then stumble around because he is dizzy. He didnt bring the bag or chest or potions. But dont make draco work for shield this emotional manipulation should be obvious to draco but then again should be usefull and strong rather then rendered useless afer a becoming dizzy. Not blood loss just dizziness
M.A chapter 44 . 5/18/2019
Please, continue. It's the first time I had the chance to read about Loki and Draco. That's hard to find.
asexualgayguy chapter 26 . 5/7/2019
im asexul with high sex drive, and i love sex, but not with people, just with my fantasies...i triyed with people, but dont gain orgasms because they personality intrudo in my fantasies, and the ritm dont work! in japan some have this with robots or sex dolls or characters, its called too 2d sexual. because people body are imperfect and no good enough to be atractive, but fantasies work...
Eion1783 chapter 43 . 4/21/2019
I've read some avengers fanfic before and I gotta say I really love the characterization of the characters in your fic. Especially Draco and the Avengers, and how the events are still a bit canon compliant but also realistic with Draco being there to affect the dynamics. I love that he's not an OP character here. I sometimes find characters like that overrated. I'm looking forward to the update. Especially Loki's return. Oh, and also Peter, I miss the guy. Hope that Draco eventually remembers him.
Eion1783 chapter 44 . 4/20/2019
This story is amazing!
Alexiz tutsi chapter 32 . 12/31/2018
Ame a diaval un personaje excelente
Alexiz tutsi chapter 28 . 12/20/2018
Ame este capitulo
Alexiz tutsi chapter 25 . 12/18/2018
Pues yo lo ame todo en serio me encantó
Face Yourself chapter 5 . 4/19/2018
Dang, I thought this might be good since you were doing the good old 'take one character, toss them in a different world with no contact or way back' thing... but then you have to go through with the sheer stupidity of giving Draco veela heritage? Really? Ugh.
Belldandy55555 chapter 44 . 3/18/2018
Love it. It is the 5th time I read this story and I can't wait to read more. So please let us enjoy a new chapter
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