Reviews for The Gift
Rania760 chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Yes a b-day gift like that is what I really want but with Reese as the guy.
dizzy78 chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
Best present ever!
TheNextPage chapter 1 . 11/20/2014
My dear Shules 3

imagine giggling, knees pressed together, squirming happiness...yep, that's what you've just given me. LOVE the smutty good.

there were moments you had me open-mouthed and gasping, slightly trembling and generally nodding my head in agreement like 'yep, right there! that's the it'
awesome! yey Yey YEY :)
Jmbbblack chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
Well happy birthday Joss! Best present ever! I'm so glad that Joss took charge and made them stop pretending. They can have everything they want when they just let go! Thank you Shaw for gift wrapping John! Love this!
odalys-ortiz chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
Damn, can I get a birthday present like that? I'm jealous.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
You can write a story and what a story. Thanks
lemgirl1 chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
I'm still
Why can't I have a friend like that, have my present all wrap up and waiting for me.
Great story, I love smut...Careese Forever!
literaturechick chapter 1 . 10/26/2014
Love, love, love Joss and John! Shaw does give the best presents!

ravenhusker chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
Joss and John. This was puurrrrfffeeecccttt! This was sexy as hell! I love it whenever you take these two out to play. Thank you, Nkhen for asking for this! ;D
I take what I said in ENTANGLED II back. THIS is my Shaw moment of the week. Heck, for the rest of the year... (ROLF)

"You'll be having lots of fun tonight. I figured you didn't have any condoms, because you are practicing being a monk so I bought you some, had to take a quick peek while I changed you into your skimpy boxers to find out your size." He felt his cheeks burn when Shaw dropped her gaze.
"How quick is quick, Shaw?"
"Twenty minutes."
"SHAW!" he barked and she laughed.
"Oh come on, Reese, you can't be too careful when buying condoms for someone else. I had to do my due diligence." She leered at him and he rolled his eyes. "I always figured you'd have a nice sized cock but didn't figure you to have that big of a…."
"Someone please kill me," he begged, trying to drown her out...
(My word, Shaw is just too much ';)
"You stunned me, sedated me, kidnapped me, took my clothes off, and tied me to my own damn bed so you could give me to Carter for her birthday present?" (Oh yeah. The. Best. Present. Ever. )

Where's a friend like that when you need them?
By the way, I wouldn't have minded a few more rounds. My heart could have taken it. (Just saying.)
And they definitely need to get Shaw a thank you present. Big time. ';)
ReadtoRelax chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
Oh my goodness. I definitely liked Shaw'sgift to Joss. I am hot and bother just from reading. I dealt like I got an early birthday gift. Thank you.