Reviews for Apologise
MoonyLover17 chapter 21 . 6/1/2016
You made me sob like a child and make dying whale sounds at the 10th Doctor's gesture! I was weeping and sniffing and just a MESS when they made love, and when he said he loved her and that the 12th Doctor was coming back... Finally, I cried again when he was watching in the shadows...
I don't really know how I feel towards the 12th Doctor's kink and fantasies. Honestly (and you can totally just skip to the next paragraph if you don't wanna read my opinion), I prefer the insecure, child-like 12th Doctor that I imagine him to be. He's so lovable and I just wanna hug him to death when he gets all spacey and clueless about some things... Dominant Doctor is hot, don't get me wrong, but if I were to live (I WISH!) with one of the two Doctors' personalities in this fic of yours, I'd chose the 10th in a heart beat. But that's just me...
May I tell you what a remarkably talented writer I think you are? You're truly gifted, and I wish you the very best of luck with your novels. Oh, and I'm definitely checking out your other fics. Mind you, I don't usually leave reviews unless the fic has left me a sobbing mess and/or has crushed my aching shipper heart... But if yours are good enough to prompt either of those reactions from me, you'll definitely hear about it ;D
Luke Curtsy chapter 7 . 12/30/2015
This is fantastic. You got the power play between the Doctor and Clara down to a point.
Nurse Betty Page chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
I feel I must reply to your review.
On almost EVERY chapter there is a warning about the story lines and themes and content - I made that very clear.
Also I write for creativity's sake and this is open to interpretation, yours differs from the 80 thousand plus other readers who have read this fic but that's fine by me. Please do speak your mind, creativity demands expression and all is open to how the individual sees the story.
I don't write to gain praise or approval.
You take it as you see it - and please always read author notes at the start of chapters, where I clearly do place warnings.
Sorry you didn't like, but maybe you should have stopped reading if you really didn't approve? That would have left you free to spend time reading something more to your taste. But thanks for sticking with it, and I always welcome reader's opinions, plus I dont beg for reviews or even ask them to be good. Your opinion is enough and many thanks for sharing it, I applaud all who speak freely and share their interpretation of the written word. Once again thank you for your contribution.
Sincerely, NBP
Disturbed chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
Um. You should probably classify this as an S&M or BDSM Story. What with all the themes of total submission from Clara. You make the doctor into an even more arrogant character than in the tv show.

When he says " I let you take over my role - welcome to my world, Clara – nothing is ever fair, even for a Timelord! Now cross that line or I'm gone. I won't ask you again."

I was struck by the fact that HE knew that the moon creature's birth would not destroy the earth. His statement is a cop out. And he DID abandon her-something she's never done to him in any of her multiple lives. So he just comes across as an ass here. And instead of him having any inkling of insight that he might have behaved badly you seem to think that the entire thing was an overreaction on Clara's part. Even if she shouldn't have hit him, they each have some blame here. (Or do you seriously not think the Doctor was wrong in any of his actions?)

This story isn't one of equals. Or even about love. It's a weird submissive story. The fact that he forced her to cross his imaginary line under threat of abandoning her forever totally undercuts their (usually) balanced relationship. The Doctor needs his companions because they keep him from being too arrogant and ground him. Him Turning Clara into a plaything under his complete control is more like something a sociopath does. (Or an abusive boyfriend. Sorry. Didn't like the imagery at all). THe blowjob was gross-like she thought he was demanding that as penance or something. So much for an expression of love.

I can't imagine what you were trying to do with this story but as I said up front you should put a warning about this being an S&M or BDSM story given all the themes of submission and dominance. At least warn people!
chaitea.walnuts chapter 21 . 9/30/2015
So usually i love the kink stuff, but the fgm bit was a huge turn off for me, even if it was missy. Despite that the rest of it was wonderful.
Cathy McClelland chapter 21 . 9/13/2015
Loved this fanfiction. I kind of like the kinky Doctor with Clara.
Bloodsired chapter 21 . 8/23/2015
It's beautiful, and I'm glad they set some rules. I enjoy the whole story. Thank you! :)
zaramcmillan30 chapter 21 . 8/23/2015
I was gonna be cool but that, thats just beautiful xcx
heintz571 chapter 21 . 8/23/2015
I really enjoyed the last few chapters of your epic story. It was a nice ending
Bloodsired chapter 20 . 8/23/2015
Ooh, nasty..sure thing Missy is terrified because she's begging and reminding the Doctor that he was a good man. OK, what's that disc message.
Bloodsired chapter 19 . 8/21/2015
Oh, its intriguing what kinks and torture would befall to Missy. :)
maraudergirl15 chapter 18 . 8/21/2015
I agree they need some time, but please get them back together real soon I need some more 12 Doctor/Clara;) please update soon I'm so hooked and need to know more! Your doing a real great job. Love how you write The Doctor, really gets the 12th doctor and Clara.
Bloodsired chapter 18 . 8/20/2015
Yep, they need some time.
GwendolynTalbot chapter 17 . 8/19/2015
Oooh interesting - ahe has totally turned things around! My mind kerps drifting tovwhat he mentioned in chapter 16...shea not the first...who else has he been with...different selves, different desires...different mind is wandering
Bloodsired chapter 16 . 8/19/2015
Yes! You updated I'm very glad. Love your story , I very much liked dom!12. I hope his ok though.
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