Reviews for Autumn's Breath
RantingArrows chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
I really, really like the description of Ganondorf's palace: it was so very vivid and also succinct
Araceli L chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
As always, simply impeccable. Beautiful descriptions, vivid imagery, incredible never cease to amaze.
Shadow At Midnight chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
Hmm. Not bad. The idea behind it is certainly interesting. A Zelgan pairing is one that always has the chance to be interesting if done right. If this is a one-shot then it is good to me. If there turns out to be more...then I'll be sure to read it.
HermioneSparta chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
An interesting perspective on the Zelda/Ganondorf ship. I had not noticed how well they fit this particular myth before.
The Great Ahtnamas chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
I'm only vaguely familiar with the Persephone and Hades relationship, so I'm not sure exactly how the two stories compare; I did really like this, though. Evokes the good feels.
yuumiimuu chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
That was interesting. A little bit confused, but I feel like I get the overall idea of the fanficiton. Symbolism, right? Anyway, you're a talented writer and know how to make your sentences fit together with great harmony. I could just picture what was happening in my head like I was watching it. It takes great skill to be able to illustrate through words like that. I praise your ability! You made both Zelda and Ganondorf's speech sound regal, as well they should be since Zelda's a princess and Ganny's, well, Ganny XP. You painted these characters nicely and I hope to read more of your works soon!
Keep up the good work! :3