Reviews for Animals
AnimeGeekGirl5 chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
OMG! This was so incredibly HOT! Love the story and the way you used the song. Epicly awesome and sexy job :)
LinkyOkumura37 chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Me and my perverted mind liked this a lot nice job
fierysuzaku chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
I was looking for a kudos button when I realized this was FFN. This was great! I love werewolf!Francis and wizard!Arthur. Please write more of them. I like how you balanced the human and the beast in Francis as well as showing Arthur's own deviousness... no meek ukes here... and for that I am glad. The last bit... I did not expect that... but it kind of showed that Francis wasn't the only "monster" in the room.
CrimsonRoseShadow chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Finally! Yassssss. Its about time you posted this. Don't you think I bugged you enough about it? Yasss. So fighting for the song and pairing. And I do love you, you wouldn't have me any other way.