Reviews for Next To Her
Sammii16 chapter 16 . 2/11
Love it
Not too many stories like this.
Thank you
Arirobb1 chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
FLG, I know it’s been a while since you wrote this but I just read it and I must say that you are an excellent story teller. I only wish I was as good at writing as you are so that I might convey to you how beautifully written I think this is.
Alexa chapter 16 . 1/3/2018
It didn't say complete so i thought there would be a cliffhanger but quite an ending. Happy SwanQueen. Any sequel with regina and emma ruling? Any other character coming up?
Guest chapter 16 . 11/7/2017
Such angst and twists! Good story!
apples-a-day chapter 16 . 3/4/2017
Awww the ending was just as lovely as the rest of the story! I'm truly sorry it took me so long to get around to reviewing this, but I absolutely loved this epilogue. From the cottage to little Lily to the end line, it was all perfect and had me smiling. Thank you so much for this wonderful story, it was a great read!
kpop1392as chapter 16 . 1/8/2017
Awww, I liked the ending and enjoyed reading this story a lot. I enjoyed the details and things were to the point. I also liked that there was character growth and explanation as to why Emma was sought out.
kpop1392as chapter 15 . 1/8/2017
As I've said before, this story is amazing. I love the journey and the paths that were taken in this story. I am also curious as to what other ending you considered.
kpop1392as chapter 14 . 1/8/2017
OMG yes! This story is so awesome. I totally didn't expect that to happen. I think it's very cute that Emma dotes on Finn (til he's stinky, supposedly). I wonder how long Regina has been following Emma around and how she found about her being alive or her escape.
kpop1392as chapter 12 . 1/8/2017
Yay to Marco and Daniel! I totally didn't see that coming.
kpop1392as chapter 11 . 1/8/2017
Oh dang! This story keeps getting better and better. I love the details and the depths/growth of the characters. I also loved that Emma managed to hit Cora.
kpop1392as chapter 9 . 1/8/2017
I love and enjoyed reading this chapter. Although it was a bit blush-inducing, I love the details and the passion between these two. It's like their worlds have collided and are now made up of the other.
kpop1392as chapter 7 . 1/8/2017
This story is so awesome! I love the intensity of their feelings for each other and their passion!
kpop1392as chapter 6 . 1/8/2017
I am loving this story more and more with each and every chapter! This story is so awesome! I love that Regina knows about Emma and how to get honesty from her. That sly princess.
kpop1392as chapter 5 . 1/7/2017
I enjoyed reading this chapter. I like that Emma struggled regarding her interactions, feelings, and respect for Regina with her "lessons" from Cora. I love the water fight and the race, especially since it's unladylike to run lol.
kpop1392as chapter 3 . 1/7/2017
Oh my gawd, this chapter was ridiculously cute, had some sad parts, but the ending was so cute. lol a charming goat. I love the way they speak and how there's a difference in their behavior regarding their status in the hierarchy. I really enjoyed reading this.
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