Reviews for Opaque Cascade
mexicantt chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
This went somewhere completely unexpected, wow. But it was also very, very well-written and I admit to wishing there were more to it than this - whether you see this as being in line with canon or if it diverges, and if so, where.
EasyArsenic chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
Whoops. It appears I've stumbled aboard a new ship. Hehe. Excellent fic. The writing is fantastic, the characterization is good, and it's simply sinful.
Lillielle chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
I'm finally getting around to reviewing this, aha, I'm awful. One thing straight off the bat is that I think the story would really benefit from a dubious consent warning, like there is on AO3? Because I really wasn't expecting that, midway through.

I love the beginning, and Luna is adorable aha. I'm glad Hermione was there to steer her back to her bed. :p Barty and Severus's conversation is just yes, I'm really pleased in this version that Severus *knows* about him. XD

Barty calling Hermione "cub" is an interesting choice for endearment, but I actually really like it. I wish there was more to Hermione's thought processes though, as she goes from "oh hell, I don't want this" to "yep coming back tomorrow night, unf."

...Also Snape's teacher persona is amazing aha, when Hermione's just discovered she's half naked...

All things considered, I really like it, thank you so much! _
Wowwwwww chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Oh I love this. More please !
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
This was very detailed, I would almost say too detailed as the beginning was a bit boring to me... And while the story does get off to a slow start, the... ah, action... picks up about a third of the way through it, and overall it was interesting to read.

I've gotten used to you finding ways to get Barty and Hermione together, but throwing Snape in the mix seems like an odd choice of pairing. (Like I'm one to talk about odd pairings, with some of the stuff I ship, though, right? XD)

You had some minor spelling and grammar things, as usual, but I did not stop to make a note of where/what exactly they were while I was reading.
Caz251 chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
I think I have found a new pairing that I want to explore because of you, this was great. I like the fact that Snape knew about Barty in this rather than being left in the dark. I also like how playful Barty is in this, thinking about his character he was only young when he was sent to prison and then put under the imperious curse, he never really got a chance to grow up, and you show his character perfectly. He can be serious when he needs to be, but has such a refreshing outlook, even if it is a darker one than most. I really enjoyed this and I didn't notice any errors, I would love to see whether or not Hermione goes back.
Story Please chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Very well written. It would be fun to read more.
Queen of Faerie chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
Please continue!