Reviews for Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
Althea Sirius chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
This was deep. Very well written.
Eeveechan chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
An interesting concept. Have you ever thought about making this a whole story instead of just a one-shot? Your story is very well written :). Poor Zero. So many bad things happen to him. Maybe you could come up with a better, happier ending? I'd like to see where you take this if you ever do continue it, but it's fine if you don't.
SpiritofSilverWater chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
I liked this. It's awesome!
Jetfire chapter 1 . 10/10/2014
This is an excellent story.

I love Zero's analysis of gender specifics and how he loved Iris for her feminity and gentleness even though he never understood it. This nonsensical rush to erase gender distinctions in our society is going to sap us of the appreciation for the opposite sex. It was nice to see a well written story that takes the traditional approach. I also loved how Zero was erupting in rage not simply because he lost Iris (an idea done to death) but because his own combat centered nature is causing him to forget her. It's like a man with alzheimers who knows he is supposed to have some attachment to the woman claiming to be his wife, but he does not know why and he is increasingly forgetting her.

Well done.

P.S. Glad to meet a fellow Christ follower.