Reviews for Through the Universe
Pinboo chapter 2 . 2/8/2016
I really like the first chapter! "Childhood Friend" is good too, but it is "Soulmate" that really stole my heart! I love the way you conceptualize that shot, and the way soujiro and misao took the chances and everything, this is fangirling-worthy, so thanks for writing this!
Lama00 chapter 2 . 10/7/2014
This chapter hold a lot of cuteness between these two chibies , I love the genuine love they had as a wow that was so fast Soujiro! he is so obvious for his feeling and Misao got confused at the end? The kiss was anything but sexual yet it's a kiss of something that a relationship would blossom in the near future.

"He was her sidekick , she was his damsel in distress" funny side note : I assume Soujiro is a Virgo and Misao is Sagittarius based on their birth date .The relation between these two signs got the vibe that the Sagittarius woman like to make her Virgo man as he was her own hero , and insert confidence to make the man out of him , that's SouMi for you -

I think the setting seems western rather than Japaneses , Duke ? Baron? Anyway good chapter -
Lama00 chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
You know that's the funny thing in SouMi to the actual canon work , when they where in the same room during Kenshin's first fight ,Soujiro seem to be barely to take a look at Misao much less to mention her .And if these two would ever met again most likely it would be Misao to recognize Soujiro before he know who she was. This is not only applied to Soujiro but to all the RK men that are based on the Shinsengumi people who are hardly seem to be flexible with women. If you notice in RK , the power of love and the attention mostly came from the women , Yumi's love for Shishio is noticeable to a blink eye , Misao's admiration for Aoshi , Megumi's feeling for Kenshin yet these attentions hardly get returned by the men . Let's not forget Saito who surprised us that's he has a wife despite he act like a lone wolf. Man I talk too much to show how much these men frustrated me with their tsundere act.

Anyway this is another IC believable shorty fic , Soujiro being on daze and then acting strange out of nowhere toward a girl he barely knew it just like him and Misao being Misao as blunt as always.

Thank you so much for this, looking forward to your other RK works.