Reviews for Celestial Dragon
Guest chapter 10 . 6/8
Hola! Hoy descubrí esta historia, debo decirte que la adoré, sobre todo por el harem de lucy 3 leí todos los capítulos hasta el último que fue una especie de nota de autor,por favor continúa escribiendo esta historia, de verdad quiero que amaya quede con natsu, quiero leer la parte en la que lucy tiene su mordida de gajeel y laxus 7w7 así como todo el proceso que tuvieron como pareja hasta mudarse juntos.
Otra duda, habrá LEMON/hentai/categoría M?
También me muero de curiosidad por ver como son los poderes de lucy como dragón celestial! Es muy emocionante!
Atentamente: Bosque.
P.D: si lees esta nota Respóndeme en la nota de autor al comienzo del próximo capítulo o algo así, bueno creo que ya me expliqué y esto está muy largo :p Bye! Cuidate mucho!
Fairytailfan22 chapter 10 . 3/27
It's great your back! When I got an email about the update I was giddy like a child on Christmas but then I saw it was the author's note, my heart sunk. I, unfortunately most of the times found out from the author's note that they are discontinuing their story, which by the way was always one of my favourites if not my top favourite, so when I saw the author's note and went to see your update I look for key words, dreading that I will see the common sentence "sorry guys I am discontinuing the story" but not a second later I saw the words that you're back and it gave back my grin that I lost before. Thanks so much that you're back, keep on your work, I will be reading your story to the last chapter you write, even if I won't write a review. (Reviews just aren't my thing unless, my feelings are too strong to contain). Keep on your fantastic work and stay healthy. Live till your hundreds and longer.
JyuneFuma chapter 10 . 3/8/2019
Please update as soon as you can.
monsterakers chapter 8 . 9/21/2018
like LIKE are you crazy I live this story!
Guest chapter 10 . 8/10/2018
I am in love with this story like I don’t like the multiple relationship fanfics but this one was really good
CelticHeart13 chapter 10 . 12/20/2017
hope your computer gets fixed soon, I miss reading more of this
L1K3ATURTL3D0 chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
cant wait to read good job this was a clever idea
kittentf chapter 9 . 9/20/2016
keep up the good work
fairychime-diamond47 chapter 9 . 8/21/2016

poor Amaya
fairychime-diamond47 chapter 5 . 8/21/2016

Bickslow just got screwed- I'm dying. I'm in love with this story
fairychime-diamond47 chapter 2 . 8/21/2016
I'm so confused. So Natsu had feelings for her and she returned it but Natsu's dragon didn't tell him about her as a mate because it's not meant to be? I think that's a plot hole you should fix. Unless you intend for Natsu to become a problem once he finds out that Lucy isn't his?

Also, Lucy being randomly found isn't explained. If you skip it, I think that'd be considered a plothole. Aside from that I really enjoy it and I hope its just my imagination that a few plot steps are missing. First chapter was pretty interesting but I hope you consider re editing the process of how they got there.

This is a lot to process but I'm glad you have proper grammar. :DDDD
Mystery girl chapter 2 . 5/23/2016
Hey I don't know if you plan on continuing writing this story or even other stories, but make sure things are spelt right and that verbs agree with the rest of the sentence. I noticed you meant to put," they searched non-stopped for days." But you put," they searched nine stopped for days." And " we all wants ..." It's a good story and I enjoy the plot but just keep in mind grammar issues and keep going. You are an amazing writer.
Xovercrazy chapter 9 . 5/19/2016
this is awesome! keep it up!
HalloweenBlackCat chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
Oh I'm so enjoying this story. Please continue as soon as you can I look forward to your works being updated.
CoSmO333 chapter 10 . 3/11/2016
I am not sure where to post my vote or if there is an actual poll somewhere but I think Celestial Dragon should be continued it gets my vote! Very interesting plot and all my favorite characters!
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