Reviews for One Day
RobiCapp chapter 35 . 4/6/2019
Just discovered this story and read it all in two days. Wish you’d continue and finish it. Well done, would love to see how it ends up.
RobiCapp chapter 17 . 4/5/2019
Well, amazing though he is, I can completely understand why Anna feels this way. I would too. If you don’t have doubts, then marry her. “Put your money where your mouth is.”
RobiCapp chapter 9 . 4/5/2019
He is just too good to be true. Love how sweet and smitten he is
SitaCaprice chapter 35 . 5/27/2018
Hey this story was really well written and I loved the way you wrote Anna and John.
You're totally killing me with them being seperated though, especially considering they will be seperated a lot in the future..
So considering real life musicians are away from home, around 6-10 months/year and that would kill me, feeling with them, I just pretend they can work out a contract that they're home more often..

But yeah enough sulking. Loved the story so far and hope you might continue writing it. Maybe with some relief for my poor heart...
thunderdreams chapter 35 . 10/25/2017
I really love this story! I hope update soon
Banna-nannas chapter 35 . 1/16/2017
So exciting all around. The new baby, the album, touring...hmmm so much to wait for ;)
Isis the dog chapter 35 . 1/14/2017
Helen is going to be over the moon when she hears Anna and John’s news :) I am so glad Anna has a super friend like Gwen to help her out while John is away. Hooray! Helen is so happy! What a great idea John had. They are going to have so much fun on their holiday. I wonder when they will start touring once the album is finished and all. I adore the way you write the dialog between Anna, John, and Helen. Joy of all joys! John got to hear Dylan say ‘dada’ :) *weeps tears of joy* Crazy Golf is too fun for words. It is convenient for Banna to bring along their own babysitter. Dylan needs a little sister to protect as they grow up together :) Leave the texts for when John gets back from his hols. I can only imagine how much their lives will change if their album makes it big. Social media makes things happen so much quicker too. I am so excited for the guys and can’t wait to see how things turn out! Thank you for another super update!
Skeeter0003 chapter 35 . 1/14/2017
Thank you so much for the update! Ahhhh family time with Mama sweet Dylan's first words are dada for John and while he was there...loved it...yet going on tour I am a little worried , haha hate banna being this story though!
Banna-nannas chapter 34 . 1/11/2017
Oh what a lovely update :) thank you
I actually found myself thinking about this one the other day. Sorry I didn't find it sooner
silly-beggar chapter 34 . 12/28/2016
I really hope everything goes well for them.
John finds the separation particularly difficult I suppose because he doesn't have Dylan to distract him like Anna does! I'm so glad that they're reunited.
Lourdes chapter 34 . 12/25/2016
every chapter is better than the last! Love it!
Isis the dog chapter 34 . 12/25/2016
The separations are getting harder for John, even though Anna is doing fine coping. He is so happy about their new arrival! It is neat the way life’s experiences turn into great songs. Yeah that everything is going well so far with Anna. I hope that continues as John will not be able to stay away from her if things go wrong. Hooray! John made it for the scan! It is killing them both not to be together. Talk about a foreboding last line! What is that all about I wonder? It could mean anything! Argh! It is incredible how many songs they have written for the album. Good job boys! Thank you so much for updating this wonderful story!
Awesomegreentie chapter 34 . 12/25/2016
Lovely chapter. I'm so glad John got there in the nick of time. Can't wait for more.
Skeeter0003 chapter 34 . 12/24/2016
Thank you for the WONDERFUL update, I am having such a time wanting John to make it with his music yet I want him with his this story and its opened me up to new music, I hope good things in store for them ,
Guest chapter 34 . 12/24/2016
I cried this entire installment -I just found all of it so moving. You are have a beautiful writing style.
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