Reviews for to devour one's own tail
Sammael Sin chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
Oh! Cell, you are too innocent!

Yes, innocent and dangerous!
smalsa chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
I'm so glad I ventured out of my BV world and took a risk with this! It was fascinating to read around a character that I'm not really familiar too and buy the end I was hooked!

I absolutely love your interpretation of cell, I'd never given much thought to him, much thought to what makes him tick. I absolutely love the idea of his thoughts being this splatter of different threads from the cells of the beings he was created from. I have no idea if you've done this on purpose but using Frieza and Piccolo as the dominant cells was such a contrast and created such a wondrous contradictory line of thought for him. You've really shown where all his thoughts come from...the human part krillan, an understanding of what compassion is from Gohan, even though understanding does not mean to actually practice or feel it. I think my favourite part here though was your insight into how he feeds on human life and how Gero made him that way, I'd never given too much thought of him sucking in human life and just thought he did it out of glee, to exterminate, you've brought up such questions for me like, if he truly was a perfect creation then why would he need to feed?

Gero didn't think through every tiny detail and also it really highlights how far removed from humanity Gero was, I mean I knew that before, but for some reason the fact that he would create a creature who sustains life through feeding off of humans has just been highlighted to me. Isn't it weird how I didn't find him as sick (still twisted and sick), when I thought of him as just someone who kidnapped people and made them into killing machines, to reek destruction and end's almost as if the thought of eating humans is even more twisted than just killing them...I'm really just having a moment here, Gero was sick before I read this, but now, now I see him far below that!

I'm so glad that you didn't have him just leave her at the end and then a part of me believed he would absorb her, but you really pulled out the shock factor with the snapping of her neck...was it compassion, was it Gohan shining through...Oh heavens no, it was logical, logical! He didn't need any more and well being a creature that is evil and has the cells of Frieza, I'm pretty sure he was radiating through screaming in glee to kill the girl, to be the one who ends her!

'His damned stupid, imperfect, incompetent, imperfectly incompetent body,'-Such a contrast to how he'll view himself later on, I love this line!

A fantastic read, thank-you, I've literally had my mind blown and I never say that casually! I just tried to google that picture, I can't find it, I must see it!
Lord Leonidas chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
Wow...First I thought Cell was gonna die. Then I thought that it was turning into a love story. When Cell killed them all except the girl, I was thinking that she was gonna live. But she tried to kill herself. So cell snapped her neck before she could try again as a mercy kill. He finds a map and a motorbike before getting on to see the one human he possibly cared for get eaten by birds...Good work. I'm just surprised by all this.
Jokermask18 chapter 1 . 10/3/2014