Reviews for Still Waters and Quiet Men A Starling Mystery
Guest chapter 60 . 5/28
I would like to read the next chapter! I love this story it’s great, I really love Bruce and Felicity together. I hope they stay together even though Bruce is an asshole but he’s upfront about everything.
Zille1234 chapter 60 . 5/24
Ever considered to finish the story? I know it's been a while, but it's really good
I hope i get to see what happens next :-D ;-D
CallaRose4ever chapter 60 . 3/18
Awesome story so far I really hope you are going to come back and finish it someday. Pretty please?
Bunney chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
I miss u bunches and bunches to the point I found my login for this site just to send you love!
Guest chapter 36 . 1/31/2019
Upon further review, my 2016 comments may have been a bit harsh. Bruce isn’t quite as rapey in this scene as I remember, though I suspect that’s because I read only this chapter, without letting the frustration build throughout the previous 35. Please come back? It’s not too late. I’m sure your writing skills have only gotten better over the past 4 years. Even a sign that you’re not dead would be welcome at this point.
ParadigmShift81 chapter 9 . 12/11/2018
Oh shit. That ending.
Vero Diaz chapter 59 . 12/1/2018
Please continue this story
Hello Again chapter 6 . 2/26/2018
Damn I love This Chapter. If only it was followed by 55 chapters instead of 54... *hint hint*
Christinagonzalez81493 chapter 60 . 8/27/2017
Wanting to know if this was evee finished? Maybe under a different name or site? Please! Continue it was so good! I need some closure here...
Jacob chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
sorry but I don't think you did research because Barbara is Oracle
Storybook98 chapter 60 . 3/23/2017
I really hope you continue! Update asap! Love it!
1narniac chapter 58 . 8/16/2016
"I believe, Mr. Savant, that you may very well be correct and that they were sent to us by the devil," he concurred. "That one's sister keeps talking to me about some kind of program on the cellular phone she wants me to use she called 'Grindr'."
Yes yes yes yes!

"Your ass is gorgeous, stop," she told her then froze as Sara and Renee both gave her funny looks. "Not that I've been looking or anything," she said quickly.
Oh this ship sails itself! (Steered by you, of course :D)

The entire disaster that is this Friendsgiving. Poor Felicity
1narniac chapter 56 . 6/20/2016
Ahhh okay good plan (Justice League yes!)

[I think it was actually the previous chapter, but Laurel's line about "everyone's bi in college" is kinda biphobic, since it both erases esp bi girls' experiences in college, and makes the false equivalence of actionsattraction. It would be easy enough to change it to something like, "Yeah, I tried it, not my thing" our or something instead.]
1narniac chapter 55 . 6/12/2016
Nice nice nice nice nice! I love Felicity taking charge of the situation and getting her team out safely.
Bruce and Clark worked together better than I expected and I'm glad they both figured e each other out (doesn't take the greatest detective to figure out Clark tho... seriously).
Nice to find out some of the strings that have been pulled, although the comment about it being maybe too clearly wrapped-up worries me.
P.S. If Orbital follows the path that's laid out for it in the comics (and is repeatedly hinted at here) I might just have to write an au of your fic where Felicity does get to have her team and branch and penthouse with all her friends and everything is good (and Oliver and Bruce leave her the heck alone!)
1narniac chapter 53 . 6/2/2016
I could read a whole fic with just domestic Felicity, Sara, Laurel, and Renee, with drop-ins from "Uncle Teddy"! Delightful, absolutely delightful! (Which sounds like something Alfred would say, which in turn reminds me to complement you on the cuteness between him and Peggy-Ann.)
Also, I loved the coffee shop reference! And Oliver's reaction was so great, "...and plans to rob an armored car on the key fob."
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