Reviews for apotheosis
BeastRage the Hunter chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Beautiful. This story reveals the truth: that of anything, no matter if he's part of the Justice League or not, fighting for the world or not, Gotham is Batman's. And Batman belongs to Gotham. Without Gotham, there is no Bat. In your story, the Bat is the heartbeat, the legend that will never die, of Gotham. I think the truth is that the Bat is our legend too, a heartbeat, a forever hero, somehow forged and given words at the hands of Bob Kane.
Long live the Batman. The everyman's hero.
LadyRhiyana chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
This story has some quite intriguing ideas. I enjoyed the way you made Gotham itself into an entity, and Batman into a myth. Your summary drew me in: This land belongs to the Bat.

Thanks for sharing!