Reviews for The Degrees of Normal
crity2re chapter 8 . 3/31
I knew this was an unfinished story, but I kept thinking that this wasn't the last chapter... that there had to be another. I know it's been a very long time, but I'd love to find out where this story was going to go. (Even just a bare-bones outline would do.) This is one of the most interesting plots I've read-so unique!
Babelvr54 chapter 8 . 3/23/2019
I hope you finish this story... hopefully along the way they realise they love each other. I sort of want Bucky to be a part of the relationship too. He just seems so sad
Nicole-Lavinia1993 chapter 8 . 10/12/2018
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I can't wait to see what happens next! }i{
Nortia2 chapter 8 . 2/12/2018
I really hope you update, because I have read this 3 times already and I always get to this point where I cant keep going :(
dragongirl92 chapter 8 . 2/1/2017
Love this. Hoping for more.
Brittany-Mel chapter 8 . 7/29/2016
I really wish you would pick this story up again.
Starrynyte04 chapter 8 . 7/20/2016
I really want you to continue this. I also want you to stop making Steve so emotionally constipated and give him and Darcy some balls and admit their feeling for each other. Perhaps when discussing living arrangements? And then they try sleeping in the same bed for a night? Just please tell me Steve is going to make a direct deposit and not have them go through artificial insemination. Cause sexy-times...'nough said.
1sunfun chapter 8 . 5/14/2016
Really interesting.
whatarefilms chapter 8 . 3/21/2016
This is too damn cute! I'm so glad that Steve is on board, and that Bucky is coming around to all of this. I started tearing up when Bucky cried. Damn, he's so lovable. Can't wait for the next chapter!
BuckyBarnes07 chapter 8 . 12/16/2015
Awesome chapter, Bucky is so sweet. Looking forward to reading the next one.
When I Make It Shine chapter 8 . 12/16/2015
Aw I love when Bucky mother hens! I can't wait to read more :)
Kat of a Different Color chapter 8 . 12/15/2015
OK, I know that the majority of people hate hospitals and clinics, but those places actually work really hard to be inviting and comforting. And it is just so stereotypical for everyone to be all "oh, it's so impersonal and cold and empty-feeling".
I have a lot of feelings about this - I was at the hospital a lot as a kid, and to be honest I loved it there - I'm going into nursing so I can (hopefully) work at that hospital. I know that most people don't have the reaction that I do to hospitals, but I wish that even just once or twice I could see someone write a hospital as not the worst place ever.
I do really like this story, though. I especially appreciate your characterization of Bucky, and I love how one of the main reasons he was so freaked out was because he was worried about Darcy dying. What a sweetheart.
BuckyBarnes07 chapter 7 . 11/13/2015
Awesome chapter, I love it. I hope you will update soon.
BuckyBarnes07 chapter 6 . 11/12/2015
Awesome chapter, I loved it.
BuckyBarnes07 chapter 5 . 11/12/2015
Awesome chapter
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