Reviews for The Dream Breather
MiharuTousaka chapter 1 . 4/6
Well I don’t know why I got an update for this but I guess it’s time to read it again
MiharuTousaka chapter 16 . 12/31/2018
Oh god I’ve just realized this is a trilogy and I started on the second part. Now I’m torn because I want to go back and read the first, but also, I just want to keep going and find out what happens. Why me!? Orz
nevvy chapter 30 . 8/12/2017
Whaaaat?! Oh geez what a cliffhanger. Excuse me while I eat a tub of chocolate ice cream... Really though, you've crafted such a wonderful tale. I know part 3 isn't finished but I'm going to go for it anyways.
nevvy chapter 29 . 8/12/2017
Wow, just... Wow.
nevvy chapter 27 . 8/12/2017
Yay! I had a feeling it was Shisui, because why else would his memory be erased? But at the same time... O boi i better gets cat and hanky at the ready...
nevvy chapter 25 . 8/12/2017
... I cant... I just... Ugh feelz
nevvy chapter 19 . 8/11/2017
Well if that " would be the only photo the two would take together" wasnt onimous enough. Such a cute chapter too!
nevvy chapter 17 . 8/11/2017
Oh goodness. Sometimes when a story gets really good, like REALLY good and stays with you, it becomes too much. I'm like those cats, who love to be petted but then at some paintbrush lash out because of over stimulus. So I had to take a little break, because this story is too ama zing. Poor Kakachii! I hope they make it through this with their sanity (and lives and limbs) intact
nevvy chapter 15 . 7/27/2017
'... her mind chaotically recalled moments with the Kakashi. ' Extra the.

"Your grumpiness if pretty hit." Typo.

Dang it Chiisai is forever spiraling herself into depression. My goodness! Methinks those memories leaking thru the seal are quite imoortant. Let's see, 10yrs ago would make her 16. Perfect age for a Disney-esque romance lol. I'm almost afraid to read the resulting drama when it breaks completely!

Those Stone fellows are super shady. At least they are more open about it than Danzo. He's pretty terrifying, the horror in your own backyard D:

I bet Gai's curry is amazing. I tots want some!
nevvy chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Haha, my boyfriend was (still is sometimes) jealous of my first cat. I love the pace you've set this story at. Honestly it's engaging and well written so that these moments between Chiisai & Kakashi, and other characters too, like Koshuu & Danzo, and all their interactions are all exciting and not at all a drag. Also you're still slowly advancing the plot to me. I like getting caught up in the romance but then its like BAM! Oh yea something sinister is afoot.

I hadn't mentioned any errors before but I think I'll start just in case. For this one, did you mean " Shaking his hand..." when Koshuu is speaking to Chiisai? Or 'shaking his head...'? I guess either way works but the latter seems more natural.

Oki doki. I GUESS I better get ready for work now. What a drag...
nevvy chapter 12 . 7/27/2017
Thanks for the flower meanings! I actually looked them up too just to have a visual. I'm glad that Chiisai is opening up more to Kashi, and the heated moments are equal parts squee and frustration! Maybe I should do push ups too hahaha
nevvy chapter 10 . 7/26/2017
It's all the romance novels. Kakashi would make a great Casanova with comebacks like that. Ah these two are so sweet. I can tell there's tough times ahead when precious moments like these happen. Kashi gets one gigazillion points for making sure Chiisai gets a cat. Like for realz, that's love
nevvy chapter 6 . 7/25/2017
Your writing is incredible. Thankfully I didnt have nightmares but I wouldnt have been surprised if I did.
nevvy chapter 4 . 7/25/2017
Men! Such $$holes sometimes! Makes me want to headlock and nuggie then til unconsciousness. Then they go and do something kind and it makes me want to use them as a punching bag. Ugh Chiisai, I feel your pain... Well in dealing with witty, bratty, incorrigible boyfriends! As an aside, YAHH Danzo is so scary...
nevvy chapter 1 . 7/24/2017
Great start. I know I'm several years late to the party, but I hope Chiisai gets a cat. She's needs one. My dad had seizures and they are definitely scary the first few times. I'm glad Kakashi is taking care of her 3
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