Reviews for Five Days
ChocoBunnyDrops chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
oh my goodness this is so freaking adorable! I adore your descriptions of Ryosuke's eyes specifically and the way you wrote out the confession scene; really, Kuramochi's thoughts everywhere are perfectly in-character and so well-written I can imagine him saying all of it 3 You are amazing
Akirafanatic chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
The way you worded the ending, when Kuramochi is 'confessing' could have been written a little better, since I got confused as to who was speaking for a while, but all in all I loved the concept! And now I'm curious about who Ryousuke's friend is...anyway, I loved the way you had Kuramochi try and fail at writing love letters and how this was all a ploy to get the second year to realize his feelings. Great job!
Cougarfang15 chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Fantastic! Well thought out and HILARIOUS might I add. I found myself grinning the entire time (not the best thing for mid Art class neh?) It was a little hard to follow at the very end with who was talking but it may be me scrambling to take notes and read at the same time. I wish you luck in the competition!
cjoycoolio chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
This is adorable. You actually made my heart pound in anticipation for Kuramochi. Poor baby hopelessly in love with Ryousuke. This was really cute. Awesome work :)
EternalWaltz chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
I really enjoyed this. You handled poor Kuramochi's awkwardness well in an in-character way, and your Ryousuke had the right touch of fire. The progression of Kuramochi's feelings was practical, and it was nice to see his conflicting emotions. Great job!
miyukousawa chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Of course Youichi is the bottom. ;)