Reviews for Angelica's Amnesia
Nairobi-Harper chapter 6 . 8/29/2015
I loved the appearance of Bobby and the characters from there here, and how Bobby helped! Nice crossover here!
Nairobi-Harper chapter 5 . 8/29/2015
Whoa, loved their time travel trip here, and how we looked back at some episodes. I especially loved the one where Angelica cursed, and it's always been one of my favorite episodes. Loved the appearance of the Disney characters at the end.
Nairobi-Harper chapter 4 . 8/29/2015
Wow, I love the time travel idea, and how everything worked out in this chapter. It fits for this story.
Nairobi-Harper chapter 3 . 8/29/2015
Lol Angelica calling Tommy 'Tammy' was the best part of this chapter in my opinion.

I like the idea of KImi and Lil pretending to be Angelica.
Nairobi-Harper chapter 2 . 8/29/2015
Awe, I loved it when Tommy listed the good things she's done.

I can't wait to see how chapter 3 goes!
Nairobi-Harper chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
Ooh, I like how this is going so far :) I can't wait to see how Angelica deals with this.
ficks chapter 6 . 10/1/2014
:D, I really like these, you should continue, but once in a while, you should have a plain Rugrat story, not to lose da fans...I really like these, even this is when I first herd about Bobby's World...
85/100 overall rating
El Nugget chapter 6 . 9/29/2014
Great work here and I’m glad Angelica got her memory back and I enjoyed and loved the flashbacks in the previous chapter.

And here are my ideas for characters even though they are work in progress and have most of their futures planned out (in case you want to do what you are doing with the Rugrats)

Heidi Williamson: One of Howie G’s bosses who doesn’t seem to enjoy children.
Nick Stern: Former Dummi Bears writer and one of Howie G’s bosses (And for another crossover fanfic with Rugrats) who doesn’t get along with Randy over what happened with a Dummi Bears episode.
Oscar Kaufman: The assistant principal at Derek’s school who will eventually be succeed by Pangborn.
DeAnn Pennington: Kelly’s French teacher and like Martha a big fan of Elvis and has the same statue of the King that Bobby broke in one episode.
Horace Ward: Kelly’s Government teacher who does not like both her because of Aunt Ruth writing a “Dear John” letter to him when they met on Facebook.
Matt Miller: A single father raising his 2 kids Marcia (who is a classmate who loves to pick on Derek and will eventually marry him) & Mitch.
Gary Matlock: Bobby’s music teacher and has dreams of becoming the high school choir director.
Heather Ingram: Uncle Ted’s girlfriend who is not like that girl that he dated that was a thief and will be his wife and is infertile but she and Ted do adopt a little girl named Robin when Bobby is about Derek’s age.

The kid’s friends and classmates:
Jimmy Carson, Tracy Leftwich, and Chris Kasem: Derek’s friends who give Kelly a hard time and with Chris also loving to pull pranks on next door neighbor Stu.
Amy: Bobby’s friend and the new Jackie and is a fan of the Haunted School Dolls (a parody of those Monster High Dolls).
Richard Fillion: One of Kelly’s friends from school and a rival for Peter for her love.
Hunter Eriksen: A friend of Bobby’s who loves to perform. (a la Derek S. Boyd from Full House and you could decide on if he should be a Sam Smith like singer when the Rugrats are teenagers or a student teacher who does not get along with Kimi during the high school years)
Wesley Gilbreath: Classmate of Bobby’s who loves drawing and is very shy.
Marcia Miller: Derek’s classmate who loves to pick on him and will eventually marry him.
Mitch Miller: Bobby’s classmate and a spoiled brat who is a very swimmer and will be the next Michael Phelps by the events of “The Offspring”.
Spencer Brown: Classmate of Bobby who is a teacher’s pet and wants to become a teacher himself. (which he does during Tommy and the rest of the Rugrats’ senior year of high school).

And ideas and story suggestions I have are
A New Year’s Eve To Remember
* Party happens at the Carmichael's
* The grownups decide to go to Paul Gatsby's formal dinner since Randy invited them and Howard (Bobby's dad) and Stu causing Madison Cox to drop from singing a song in a future Dummi Bears episode.
* Grandpa Lou and Lulu (they are with Aunt Miriam visiting childhood friends of Lou and Miriam) and Peter (he is babysitting Bonnie in the Toy Story realm) cannot babysit which leads Taffy, Kelly, and Alicia babysitting the kids for New Year's Eve and after the kids go to bed, Kelly decides to throw the party as a "Last New Year's Eve Before We Graduate Party" for their classmates.
* Alicia getting into a love triangle with a another girl (Valerie Holcomb) over a classmate named Trenton Kaufman at the NYE party at the Carmichael's and also trying to stop the party whose guests include the three girls from Didi's Home Ec class (their names escape me at the moment), Ramone (who is concerned that Didi will find out about the party and tell Lucy and spends most of the party locked in the basement by that football player who I'm naming Abraham Dulin), and Larry (blowing off his job at Zippy's Deli) & Steve, before her family comes home. (She is not babysitting Buster who is with Derek having a sleepover at a friend's house playing video games and Edwin is also at another sleepover)
* The Rugrats and Bobby wanting to get in on the party to and help save Kelly from Abraham taking advantage of her.
* Phil & Lil learning their first words following the NYE party.
* Ramone and Home Ec girl getting engaged at the stroke of midnight.

Some ideas for stories with just the Generic family for Bobby’s World fics include.


•Howard losing his job at the pants company and the family moving before the events of “The Terriblest Two’s”.
•Where the Generics were during “What Is Christmas Exactly?”


•Bobby’s kindergarten and Kelly’s high school graduations with Derek dealing with a crush.
•The twin’s first birthday at Piggy’s Pizza Palace going wrong.
•Kelly moving to college and how Martha and Howard G cope with one of their babies leaving the nest.
•Bobby’s POV of the events of “Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite” and Martha being paranoid over the bedbugs.
•(Similar to DJ’s Senior Prank from Full House) Kelly’s senior prank involving the car on the roof with her getting framed for the prank by a mean girl.
•Uncle Ted’s meeting, engagement, and wedding to Heather Ingram.
•Martha deciding to follow in Didi’s footsteps and going back to school to be a dental hygienist following losing her job at Roger’s.
•Bobby’s 10th birthday with Kelly getting married.
•Bobby’s first kiss and dealing with becoming a teenager with the dreaded talk and becoming an uncle when Kelly becomes a mom.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 6 . 9/29/2014
Well, things are back to normal, what is normal, anyway.
Doesn't matter to me what story you work on next honestly. Keep up the good work regardless.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 5 . 9/29/2014
Well, so much for time travel.
El Nugget chapter 4 . 9/29/2014
Oh goody more time travel and I sure hope it works out better than it did for the Offspring.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 4 . 9/29/2014
Oy, more time travel. Hope it works out better then it did last time.
LOL with Angelica getting the names mixed up.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 3 . 9/29/2014
Well, idea number 3 down the tubes, now onto idea number 4.
Keep it going.
I'm surprised at how fast you're getting these chapters up.
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