Reviews for Unclean Spirit
Gardian X chapter 1 . 2/8
Hoookay, that's a horrifying ending.
taziahall chapter 1 . 1/20
... well that happened (0_0)
LurkingMushroom chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Rereading this past midnight and a part of me is creeped out not by the circumstances but by how Zero sees himself as something almost like a commodity. “Numbers game.”
And the sleep-deprived side of me is laughing because “X and the Zeros” can be a band name. And now I’m visualizing a leader singer X with every other instrument being played by a Zero.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
God, the canon X5 reason for X and Zero to fight over infection risks was so damn stupid! I really hate the misused potential the X series had.

I never imagined X and Zero with running lights, but it makes sense. I do have an idea for a dark room battle illuminated by their lights only. I'll make that happen too someday.

I liked the details to make sense of X5's level design. It's still weird though how a computer virus affects reality, but I liked the way you describe it. No matter what though, in that scenario, I always wanted some response from Dr. Light to help even the odds. I mean, if Dr. Wily invented a virus that can HACK REALITY, I wish for Dr. Light to have SOMETHING to use against such a god-tier ability.

I think I would have found it less creepy if you hadn't hyped it up in the summaries/'advertisment'. Still, a novel idea, interesting, and ultimately, creepy, if only because I fear for X's fate since he's my favorite of all time.
The Unplanner chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
End. That about sums it up. Wily 1, Earth 0.
ValentineSin13 chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
Wow that's terrifying...

Not only did all the Zeros wake up but X lost his Zero.

This was really good. Sad to say Zero technically "killed himself", personality wise, and now X is dead. Poor X and Zero.

That'll put chills down your back.
Karanma Maeryl chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
Wow. Just... wow. This is truly AMAZING. I really love the details, and how you wrote this is truly... Gosh, I have no idea what to say. This one is REALLY good! :D

Keep up the good work! ;) ..And have a nice day! O:)

Karanma Maeryl
The Bad Hat Hooligan chapter 1 . 9/29/2014

Oh God! There's not enough prayers in the world to save us this time! :(

If you were looking to fill us all with horrific terror, you succeeded.
Justice Stryfe chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
o.o The first thing I do every Monday before work is load and immediately search down your newest story or chapter. Your Mega-yarns capture the spirit of the the X-universe better than Capcom ever did, and since they just do not care about the series anymore... well.

Gotta say though o_o you've got a penchant for the endings in every one of your stories, Supernova and One Link being my favorites, but this... holy cow.

Quite literally chills down the spine. 0.0 Very well done, and a fascinating interpretation of the Virus, doubly so because you really seemed to dislike the Virus A Heavy Load; I very much agreed with your analysis there, the Virus spoiled so much potential in the story... now, I kinda doubt that.

Bravo, sir. ('') May your ink bottle always be full and your quill always sharp.
lalalei chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
I think what's creepiest about this one is that I can totally see it happening, and that it happens because Zero said the wrong thing at the wrong time. An impulsive order dooms the world. I also like how, while it's connected to the Maverick virus, it explains how Zero and Sigma came back, how they CAN come back, and that while the virus was involved, it wasn't how you'd expect.