Reviews for on the edge of a knife
Aqua Mage chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Awesome fic ;)
Ghostfile chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Wow! Really strong characterization.

What can one say about how you've portrayed Ward? So much emotion and pain. You've done a really good job of getting in his head. After being such a bland guy in the first half of S1 and then being a turncoat at the end Ward has the ability to be a truly interesting character in S2 on the road to, well redemption isn't quite the right word, being a whole, caring human being.

I really like how you've written May and Coulson. Two friends with a long history and years of pain and joy in their lives. It's nice to see them both reaching out to Ward despite their mixed feelings about what Ward has done. They're both realists in how they view Ward and that is the key thing about this story. Their are no rose-colored glasses or even black-colored glasses (does that even make sense?). If the AOS universe really existed it's what I'd like to see May and Coulson do.

Definitely one of my favorite AOS stories. Speaking of which, if you have time to update I'd love to see where "Cruel to be Kind" goes. Thanks for sharing!
Belker chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Simply wonderful! Ward's despair is tearing at Coulson's (and my!) heart and bringing out the protector in him.
Great read! Thanks
thatcrazyjellyfish chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Awesome awesome awesome job sad but sweet