Reviews for Running Up That Hill
Srw chapter 17 . 6/20
Thank you for the original story. I found it entertaining.
FairyLetters chapter 17 . 6/9
Sakura died and Sakura lived. I seriously was hoping for more Inoichi's POV about the ordeal, he clearly has to be the most affected one of her death. I loved how Naruto approached Sakura first, instead of Ino...which is also very strange, because Inoichi.

This story is brilliant. Good plot devices, clear writing and engaging flashbacks. I usually ignore lengthy flashbacks because they, more often than not, tend to be irrelevant and boring. But this story is ripe with angst and drama. Loved it.
FairyLetters chapter 16 . 6/9
Throughout this story I felt Sakura was too weak and depressive with so poor self-esteem. Never once in a fight she thought herself capable of taking on her opponent, be it a single missing ninja, ino-shika-cho men, powerful Namikaze Minato, or even Tsunade, her own mentor. It was annoying, to see her so frail minded and feeling miserable about her own skin. But these last chapters were really touching, the moment baby Sakura came to light. The chapters grew emotional and more, Inoichi and Sakura friendship weighing me down in way that only came with knowledge that she would probably die soon.

This chapter, though, left me breathless during those final moments. I loved it. Kudos!
imayhaveareadingproblem chapter 17 . 4/7
this so good! i really loved all of it! you didn’t have any blaring typos, and your grammar and writing mechanics were super good, which is rare. i like how you wrote the characters, and their interactions with each other. some authors really struggle with that, but they all felt natural. also, you didn’t make sakura op, which i really loved. i feel like it’s so much harder to write relatable characters that struggle and have limits, but you wrote it all so well! i loved sakura and inochi’s friendship! it was really cute and very well done! the only thing i would say for criticism is parts of it were a little confusing and somewhat unclear, but they usually were explained a few paragraphs later. overall it was a really good story!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/7
sorry but I truly hate Hiruzen he truly does not deserve that title if he was so smart he wouldn't allow his villages children to be kidnapped and turned into experiments whose lives don't mean enough to be safe gaurded like the other villagers it would seem what bullshit
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 17 . 4/7
I’m not crying you are
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 16 . 4/7
Noooo I’m almost done with this fic I loved this and it was one of the things keeping me from going crazy during everything that’s been happening! Just want to let you know that I really enjoyed it and that I’ll be looking forward to any of you other works! Last is to be safe and healthy and that goes for the readers too!
Kai.Julian chapter 17 . 4/7
My heart! It has been squeezed like its a lemon.
orlha chapter 17 . 4/6

Also I was tricked into thinking Kushina died for a moment there! Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm glad and I wonder how many people knew she time travelled.

Thank you very much for writing this! It was great reading this!
orlha chapter 16 . 4/6


thanks for updating... I'm super super excited... to see what happens next. Thanks again! chapter 15 . 4/6
Crap. I love every little thing about this story and I’m so sorry that I wasn’t the mass commentator that I usually am when I start a story but I literally sat here from 11pm-2:45 just to read this beautiful damn thing and my life is a mess because of this damn story!
Suzululu4moe chapter 15 . 4/2
Haha danzo .

Lol history repeating itself Sannin style. One incentive might be that the village has both Sakura and Tsunade . And three funi. Specialists. It’s practically a mad scientists wonderland of scholarly peers to work with.
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 15 . 4/1
Ahhhhhh I can’t wait for the next chapter! Is this series almost ending?
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 13 . 4/1
Omg I was right
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 13 . 4/1
Maybe her chakra problem has to do with her being conceived maybe? I dunno
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