Reviews for Baskerville Island
Arty Diane chapter 22 . 10/8/2014
This was a brilliant chapter, I'm so glad you took a comedic route for this one! It was full of great moments, I can't pick a favorite. Mycroft's comment on the major hitting the pirate captain with his "breasts" (That conjured an image so totally different from the one that was described after!) People charging their electronics with the electricity in John and Sherlock's hair, and the major going on about Molly. Mycroft's last speech was rather eerie, but his comment on chaining Sherlock's casket made me snort.

Wonderful ending! And thanks for the note, I totally missed the Zelda ones, since I never played any of the games...

I look forward to more of this verse! :D
Arty Diane chapter 21 . 10/7/2014
Those images the boys saw were very terrifying, you wrote them very well, especially the way they kept changing. I could picture them as if I was watching a movie.

John's father and the Teacher made me cry again! John's childhood memories were very beautiful! Little sister Molly, I like that. One big sorta happy family. The picture of the major beating up the pirates with his added "equipment" was really funny, the perfect comic relief!
Arty Diane chapter 20 . 10/7/2014
Seriously, this chapter made me cry. I'm not exaggerating, Sherlock's confession drew tears, and John's answer made me wipe my face over and over again! I'm so glad there's another chapter ready after this, I don't think I could handle that cliff hanger.
Arty Diane chapter 19 . 10/6/2014
That was a great chapter, absolutely brilliant! I hope the major got out fine...or did the pirates just throw him out? I can't believe he did that part, made me snort loudly!

Ah, here comes old Ben. Molly's threats were gruesome, but her delivery was unimpressive, just like her way of speaking in the show. I can't get over how well you write her! I thinks after this ordeal, she should get closer to S3 Molly, and get more confidant. I wonder how is she going to help the boys? And, was the water John and Sherlock drank poisoned?!
Arty Diane chapter 18 . 10/2/2014
I really hope the water was clean. John was able to function better after drinking, so I guess it was clean? Oh dear, they're going to enter the carnival. I both dread and anticipate reading how that goes!
Arty Diane chapter 17 . 10/2/2014
I really, REALLY loved the major's transformation. It was brilliant and hilarious, a great Mrs. Doubtfire there! You wrote Molly beautifully, her atrocious comments were so darn in character. I hope she can use the saber!

Oh dear, a carnival, that's just a setting begging for a horror movie's events...
Arty Diane chapter 16 . 10/1/2014
John and Sherlock crying made me cry this time...Their conversation was so emotional!

I liked Sherlock going all Icarus on the colonel, the jab at the green stuff being what was left of his brain was a good one. Sherlock using the skull like a base ball was quite unexpected, good thing the 'ball' wasn't covered in flubber!

So, let me see if I got this right, the drug has induced some kind of shared hallucination on both of them, and now they have to go through a maze of a sort? And, where did John's mother go, will we get the explanation later?
Arty Diane chapter 15 . 10/1/2014
Mycroft's flash back was so painful, it made me tear up. I had to control my sob, since there are people around...

Getting the major and Molly to interrupt and making the situation comical was a great move on your part, it lessened the tension a great deal, made fell a whole lot better! Please give some detail when the major cross dresses, I want to be able to picture it, I'm sure it'll be hilarious! I felt bad for poor self conscious Molly, loved her line about the pirates judging her looks, very in character.
Arty Diane chapter 14 . 9/30/2014
Oh, wow! That-that whole case of Solomon and Donald was spectacular! That was such a twisted and complicated case, very impressive! I'm glad that John's tormentor wasn't his real father, that made me feel soooooooo much better. And for the mother, just- a face palm is the only reaction I can have. Guess not much can be expected from a drunken serial adulterer...

I look forward to next chapters, I wonder how are Molly and the Major going to help the boys, and how the boys are going to cope with the island. I'm kind of hoping for an appropriate torment for Solomon, something that would amend for all the torment he inflicted on John.
Arty Diane chapter 13 . 9/30/2014
I'm glad Molly got through that ordeal and that help has arrived. The Major carried her through the water then? That must have been very hard...or did they use a boat?
Arty Diane chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
Although this chapter is the prelude of John and Sherlock's likely suffering, I found it really entertaining. The way that John and Sherlock acted so carefree about their situation and talking as if this was an actual cruise was very funny!

I can't wait to meet John's "sperm donor", I hope they continue to mock about and act as if he was no big deal, the best insult!
Arty Diane chapter 11 . 9/27/2014
I really liked how you wrote Molly's feelings and her interactions with Sherlock, those were really in character, the poor dear... Thanks for clarifying about the phones and the virus, that makes so much sense now. (I snickered at your little wry comment on the phones!)

Those childhood memories were so sweet! I wish it was like that in show as well. Maybe it is, season 3 seems like it is, now I'm confused...anyway, nice background info.
Arty Diane chapter 10 . 9/25/2014
Loved John's last retort about their "cruse", Snarky and brave, very in character! Are The Watson spouses are the head of the operation then? I can't see how this is going to end in a reconciliation, you got me intrigued by that comment. And nice way of including the reasoning for the name of the island, good going!

Just tell me this, is the "mother" a character from the show, or is it an OC?
Arty Diane chapter 9 . 9/25/2014
So let me get this straight, Colonel Watson is involved in the crime. He wanted to control John, so if I got this right, he wanted to pull John into his criminal activities as well? I'm scared to ask what was in the message he sent after Sherlock's death...

Harry kept her bearings well, considering she was faced with the league of extraordinary gentlemen (loved that comment by the way!) I agree about her loosing too many brain cells due to drinking.
Arty Diane chapter 8 . 9/24/2014
And the plot thickens! Is this like the key code with Moriarty in TRF? Or does John know something he doesn't know he knows it himself? I do wonder...

Sherlock's protectiveness over John made me go all emotional! Can you not torture them too badly please?
Is "mother" someone we know? I hope it's not Irene...
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