Reviews for Civility and Humanity
kate holden chapter 7 . 11/29/2018
This was excellent. The bit about Garak seeing Bashir as family and worthy of fierce loyalty made my eyes get teary. Beautiful. Thank you.
Yel Ashaya chapter 7 . 4/7/2015
Very touching :)
jazzy2may2 chapter 7 . 3/19/2015
A Marvelous story. I liked the feelings that were created with in it and by it.
nightbird47 chapter 7 . 10/12/2014
Wonderful tale about the friendship and caring between these two men, and the hidden parts in Garak which he was trained to never be seen. I'd hope by then this horrible disease could be eliminated, but then it sneeks up before it takes control. And the hypo in a way becomes the way out, the one that helps him cope knowing its there. I guessed what it was before the disease was named. I love that its mostly from Garak's point of view and the way he gently cares for his friend. And its a great touch making Bashir officially family.
Shada The Cardie Dukal chapter 7 . 10/4/2014
Fortunately, Bashir recuperates well, his friends and colleagues support him. I particularly like his determination to get rid of the hypospray. The galabaya must be very striking with all these elaborate details so Bashir is very lucky to have a friend like Garak. With all the dangers left behind, Bashir and Garak can enjoy their friendship and trust each other more.
randomplotbunny chapter 7 . 10/4/2014
A wonderful ending to an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Froid Glacial chapter 7 . 10/3/2014
A strong chapter to end this beautiful, powerful story. From the descriptions of Julian's recovery, to his talk with Jake, to the galabeya... this tale is true to its title. Very well-done, and thank you again for sharing with us.
Shada The Cardie Dukal chapter 6 . 10/2/2014
This chapter is a huge sigh of relief, I am really happy that Defiant finally picked them up. Still Bashir was on the verge of dying despite Garak’s best efforts. The way you describe Bashir’s regression to the twilight zone between life and death is skillful and scary at the same time. The details about his emaciation, hallucinations, reminiscences, the record of his sensations and the speech deterioration provide depth and dramatic scope. Garak’s attitude and solutions were brilliant and I don’t think Bashir would have made it without him.
randomplotbunny chapter 6 . 10/2/2014
I'm glad they got off the planet and that Julian will be alright given time, though he may never fully recover from the mental and emotional trama. He was just too close to the end there and he knew it. That changes a person, sometimes not for the better though sometimes for the best.
And Garak, things may be on the up and up now but it takes time to get over a scare like that. Watching your friend waste away and knowing that you can do nothing to save him, I don't know of anyone that wouldn't be shaken to the core by that.
The fact that you lived through this... it changes how I see this story. You are such an incredible person to be able to share this tale with us all, I don't know if I would have the courage to do the same in your position. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Froid Glacial chapter 6 . 10/1/2014
Yay! Thank you so much for updating! And what a chapter! I was so worried at first when Bashir's health seemed to take a turn for the worse (even though the bit about Garak's ridges made me smile :)

And then, just as I was wondering how the hell they were going to get off that cursed planet... well, let's just said I was very relieved. Bashir has wonderful friends. And he deserves them, too, as he is such a giving and warm person (not to mention super cute :)

Garak, OMG, I want Garak around when I feel low. He is just the best.

Question: where does the name Subatoi come from? Does it mean anything?

Great chapter!
AlwaysAbby chapter 6 . 10/1/2014
Wow. I was guessing that you or someone close to you had this disease since it's in some of your other stories (the one with Chekov is quite good if anyone is interested). I really liked how Julian took solace in the hallucinations of his friends and how no one needed convincing to go and find him. Personally, I find writing is the best form of therapy and I hope you get the closure you need.
Shada The Cardie Dukal chapter 5 . 10/1/2014
Bashir’s condition deteriorates quickly but Garak does not lose his cool and makes his best to help him. At the same time, he tries to preserve Bashir’s dignity and self-respect. Still, Bashir becomes slightly delusional so Garak is likely to make all decisions by himself. The situation seems quite grim having in mind the lack of proper medical help and communication. I hope that Garak will come up with a way out.
randomplotbunny chapter 5 . 9/29/2014
Poor Julian, he's facing this bravely but there comes a time when it all becomes just too much. I'm glad he had a way out even though I hate that he's been put in the position to have to have one.
And Garak... watching someone waste away can be almost as painful as being the one doing the wasting. I hope he'll be alright if Julian has to make use of his final option, he would at least be able to understand the doctor's reasoning better than most would.
Wonderful chapter. I look forward to the next one.
Froid Glacial chapter 5 . 9/29/2014
I'm so glad Bashir has Garak to help him. And Kukalaka. I like Kukalaka. I can see the comfort he finds in a object that he's had since childhood.

What are they going to do, now? Can't Garak have the planet contact DS9?
Shada The Cardie Dukal chapter 4 . 9/28/2014
Fortunately, Garak decided to intervene. It seems to me that the pain blurs Bashir’s sound judgment. You unfold the events very skillfully – three days of remission and a sudden acute decline that can’t be denied or hidden. Bashir’s stubbornness is counterproductive, he definitely can use a piece of Garak’s mind.
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