Reviews for You Are the Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine
ponchobranch chapter 3 . 11/23/2017
“There were a lot of things that had happened to make Daniel worse since high school, but in short: his therapy had backfired.“ i don’t really need to go on, but i’ll do it anyway. first of all, it’s incredibly upsetting to (re-)read a fic where jemma is attractive and their personalities don’t suck/aren’t ruined. upsetting, but very nice to see again. dnaiel’s (yep) just as pervy as ever and the UNDERWEAR. “OH GOD, WHAT IS THAT?!” poor soph. and lmao, andi’s reaction to the birds. i completely forgot about that. #thatantiquebicycletho. honestly, everything about this threeshot is amazing and the world you created still stands as perfect. great job, and make sure to buy ponchobranch instead of risperdal.
Laylay1905 chapter 3 . 9/5/2017
Me chapter 3 . 10/11/2015
This is one of the best stories i have ever read i love it keep on being brilliant.
Yo chapter 3 . 7/12/2015
Omg this story is so amazing! Please could you write another chapter! I love all of your stories but this I think is my favorite!
Ross.Lynch.Is.Awesome chapter 3 . 6/6/2015
Oh my god! Ur da best author like... EVER! I've all ur stories man
KIKI chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
TiTaNkIlLiNgSlAnCeCoRpErAl chapter 3 . 2/8/2015
Pretty pretty please make more of this at least two chapters
Guest chapter 3 . 2/4/2015
Guest chapter 3 . 11/11/2014
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your stories, they are hilarious and they just make my day! You are one of my favorite author on fanfiction and is there going to be a sequel to this story?
springmoonlight4life chapter 3 . 11/10/2014
Kurt's interest of magic to the point of annoyance is beautiful. I love it (even if the Novoas don't :P). It's really interesting, you know? How different people like Kurt and Daniel have different reactions to things such as magic.

I just LOVE how excited Jax is for this conference. Tolerating Kurt and carrying Emma to bed does qualify as earning this special conference. ;) Lol, just to see ol' Danny Boy after 10 years for the pure pleasure of messing with him.

"Because I am so good at being bad." His tone was seductive and his smirk only confirmed he was being... Jax.

"Um, babe? We're in an elementary school." One of my favorite parts in the whole story. XD

Haha, Daniel's clumsy, awkward intro was right on cue. I seriously never noticed the bunchy pants and bobby pins before. Lol :P I feel really bad for Sophie that she married him...she deserves better. The two couples' interactions were spot-on. Especially Jax's and Daniel's with all the "competition."

"Your business is a bicycle shop?" the Australian asked, flat out laughing. "Oh, man, that is priceless!" Yes, Jax. Yes. Yes, it is. XD

What kind of person gets more upset about the condition of his bicycle than—"

Of course it was! It was given to you by none other than your mommy-wommy! XD

Daniel's bobby pins shooting up everywhere is priceless. And the sad thing is: he has more bobby pins than me (I only have one that I use every day XD).

"Go on. Say it."

"Because Jax bullies me!" I'm surprised that Ms. Novak didn't call the authorities right there. ;)

Jax's and Emma's little reconciliation after Ms. Novak fell for Jax was cute. And Daniel was fake gagging. XD

The intimacy question part...huh, how funny it is when they started getting sidetracked by talking about how pathetic Daniel's life is (and he drags Sophie down with it).

Once Daniel calls Ahna a "demon child" for breaking his bike and smashing his daughter's head against the floor...all hell breaks loose. :P Emma going full-out naughty. ;) I love how she's changing because of Jax. It's beautiful. :')

And the way Jax and Emma set him up for trouble using magic!

I will steal my daughter's underwear until she's 35.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahah, this cracked me up soooooo much! I annoyed my brother with how much I laughed. :P

Glad Daniel is finally taken to the authorities and Sophie's free to eat fern leaves. Yay!

Jemma dashing home to do it was a great way to end it. I wish that part could have been written... :P

I don't remember at which part because I read this chapter the other day, but was laughing so frigging hard that I choked on my own spit. This chapter was downright hilarious with the most #mbm I've ever read. Bravo, lovethatignites. Bravo.

Last note: everyone's cars and their license plates are just precious and amazing. I just wanted to say that. :)
springmoonlight4life chapter 2 . 11/10/2014
Before I start the actual review, can I say that this chapter was just so well-written and put together? Every moment is unbelievably precise. It's crazy amazing! Ok, let's move on. ;)

The interactions between Ahna with the Ruedas was a nice touch. I can just imagine Krista, Antonio, Maddie giving her carpool rides home. Ahna tele-transporting next to sources of water is so accurate if she were to exist in the show (which I wish she would). It really wakes you up to realize that it's the future, you know? It's THEIR future. And it's beautiful.

I also really love how Emma and Jax were inspecting each other for Kurt and Andi. Definitely something they would do.

Andi's engagement to Kurt is really cool. I just love how nervous she's getting at telling him about magic (and she's not even a witch!) How cool is that? And her getting herself drunk to ease of the nerves. Ah, typical 28 year-old Andi... :P

Can I just praise you for how Jax's disliking to Kurt is so accurate? We could never really expect him to like any more than he vaguely tolerates Andi. :P

Lol about Ahna and her "marriage" to Christopher Planter. "Auntie Andi, did you know I'm getting married, too?" Such adorableness! Andi and Ahna's conversation about the whole wedding thing was so much fun to read.

"Why? You're short enough to be a flower girl." Funniest remark by Jax to Andi. Ever.

The call from Ms. Novak...that's where the comedy starts to peak up higher and higher. Ah, Jax's phobia to birds never gets old. As much as I love Jax, his phobia makes me laugh every time. Honestly, it makes him even cuter. ;) And Andi just dies out there, laughing. I felt like I was right beside her during that. XD

Jax trying to not admit his phobia to his daughter.

"Which she hasn't!" he pointed out expertly. "She assumed it was a ridiculous lie. I say we let her live the rest of her life believing so." Typical Jax :P

"But," he pulled his best shocked face, "Emma. Illegal spells are baaaaad." Ugh, I'm in love with his sarcasm and his sexiness. Emma's sooo lucky.

Ok, Ahna lighting Jessica's/ Daniel's bike on fire was like the most amazing thing ever! That cracked me up.

Can't wait for the conference. :D
springmoonlight4life chapter 1 . 11/10/2014
This first chapter is sooooo precious! You have Emma and Jax's characters so accurately portrayed. I'm so glad this is a three-shot. Their sweet, intense, affectionate moments were so cute and downright sexy. I loved it. And can I say how feels-tingling their flirting was?

Little Ahna is such a sweetheart! I could totally imagine her being the perfect Jemma couple's child. When she changed into Emma's dress gown, lol. :P "She gets her math nerd abilities from you." Priceless! And her thoughts about her parents being her OTP is just pure adorable.

"'Humans and Millers'? Really?" Yes, Emma. Really. XD

I love Maddie having the Diego Effect change her into such a nice person. Woah, never expected Katie to be so adult. ;) Of course, Emma would cover glitter on everything she designs. :P Ah, Gigi...always teaching everyone, including her own children about terms such as OTP. Andi finding a match such as Kurt warms my heart. Yay, she's in love with someone!

And it's too bad that lunch break can never be written. ;)

I just want to praise how well you AND ghostgirl19 worked on this chapter. Your writings styles and ideas together are unforgettable. When you guys write, there's this special quality about it that stays with people. That's what personally keeps me drawn to reading your guys' stories.

Again, great first chapter and I'll look forward to reviewing the other chapters. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/8/2014
This was so fucking hilarious! I love it! I love how Emma was the one to be "bad". Do update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/8/2014
Please make a sequel! I loved this!
Daddy Directioner chapter 3 . 10/8/2014
Amazing. I burst out laughing, this is my favorite chapter from your three-shot. I can't wait until you update more:)
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