Reviews for Would You Mind?
Guest chapter 3 . 3/21/2016
This is the perfect blend of funny and sexy. I wish you would’ve continued it.
J2CaReese chapter 3 . 9/2/2015
AU excellent. can you please update
Chellero chapter 3 . 10/18/2014
Heh. Harold not being too keen on Carter. I just love these canon references.

I kinda groaned when Reese let that slip out, too. LOL I was like, Damn dude. You walked right into that one.

Had to laugh at the visual of Shaw messily eating her steak. You're so good at these descriptions. Shaw had a good point at the end of their convo...

OMG, why you leave us hanging? I need to hear this phone call. Why's Joss calling him? *taps your shoulder* Um, can I have the next chapter now, please? :D
Chellero chapter 2 . 10/18/2014
"She never got used to the smell of stale sweat that followed the aftermath of a show either." "Her booted feet crunched over scattered gravel and remnants of broken glass." "He leaned against the fence to gain momentum to propel forward." -These descriptions add so much. As I'm reading it, I feel like I'm there and can smell the sweat, hear the sound of her boots on the ground, see him push off the fence. So so good.

"Tony was creepy, but John, the mysterious guy now following her around, was not? She almost sighed. She really needed to get her shit together."-LOL! Kinda effed up. But that's cuz you want some of that, Carter. :D

LOL at Reese's kneecapping dance! "...pure energy and restrained rage." Well damn. That's kinda perfect.

I love how they met and he started "tracking half of all her steps." *sniff* Memories.

Yes, dear, you are in a whole lot of trouble. :D Squee! I love this story!
Chellero chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
Girl, this is fabulous. AU but their personalities are canon-like. I can't believe I enjoyed this so much!

"A tendril of fear snakes its way up Carter's legs and through her now rigid spine." -I love this description.

"Joss tries not to tense again. It becomes hard to do when John moves to stand close to her, his heat radiating against her back. His body drifts into her space, controls a piece of it even though she remains in charge."-Good gravy on a biscuit these were some good lines!

Lawd, they had themselves a damn good evening. *fanning self* And I'm glad she's open to a repeat performance. In private. :D
fangirlu chapter 3 . 10/18/2014
Shaw is such a nagging little sister. smh. But she's got John pegged though, I'll give her that. So...Joss called him finally. More please! I need to know what she wants. Can't wait until the next chapter.
fangirlu chapter 2 . 10/18/2014
I never expected you to revisit this story, so I was pleasantly surprised to see this update. I LOVE that you decided to go back and show us how they ended up together. And judging by the way it's starting out, it seems like it's not going to happen. If I didn't already know that they do end up together, I'd be worried. lol. And the names of the bands? Wonderful and clever. Keep up the good work.
fangirlu chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
I was never a big AU person, but you terrific writers have changed my mind. I love this story. I like that we got a peek into what happened in the recording booth by having to listen to it along with Joss and John and having to use our imaginations. And yes, I can very much see Shaw gleefully playing it back for them and insisting that they use it on a track. Even though you've taken them into a whole new world, they were still very much in character. This was great.
odalys-ortiz chapter 3 . 10/16/2014
It beautiful that you recreated their meeting from the pilot here. From the way he was acting when Joss called, it sounds like Zoe will be old news soon enough.
odalys-ortiz chapter 2 . 10/16/2014
I felt a bit bad for John in the end when Joss refused the offer. I know that for him, it will be worth the wait.
odalys-ortiz chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Pretty hot for such a tease of a first chapter. It figures that Shaw kept a copy of the tape. I do love how things from the show are integrated the way they are here and it's still entertaining.
ravenhusker chapter 3 . 10/12/2014
My my my. Yes yes yes. More more more! ';)
ravenhusker chapter 2 . 10/12/2014
...That dirty bastard. He knew exactly what he was doing. She gripped the steering wheel and drove out of the lot. She was in trouble. She was in a whole lot of fucking trouble...
(I'll say she is ';)

I love that you're going back to the beginning. And I love how you use canon from the show, like "kneecapping" -for a dance move? (Lol) and the Precinct Lounge - designed after an actual precinct.
He's in a band called The Machine. She's in a band called The Interrogators. And she's in an on again off again relationship with Paul. And along comes Mr. Temptation himself. And, she has Scarface as an admirer. Do tell more!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/12/2014
Haven't watched the show since carter died, but if Shaw irritates Reese this much it must be fun! Anyway great chapter.
literaturechick chapter 3 . 10/11/2014
Shaw IS right! Love it! Thanks.
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