Reviews for Kidnapped
Aky Ivanov chapter 14 . 11/11/2019
Noooo, this story doesn't have a conclusion! :(
Please continue!
It's beautiful and original!
I'm curious!
Kiss kiss
Staria's Light chapter 14 . 6/15/2019
ARGH! ALWAYS THE GOOD STORIES END IN HIATUS...! WHYYYYY!? If you see this, I wish desperately for you to come back and finish this story, unless you really are too busy but if got the time, at least tell us you are alive or if the story will never end.

Thank you. (BTW, really good writing. I laughed hard during Conan's VERY SPECIFIC places Kid shown up as Shinichi, you can add Singapore to that list now!)
meladi1 chapter 14 . 1/21/2019
What is it with people and stopping there fanfics on a cliffhanger. It's almost every single time I read a really well written fanfic I enjoy immensely just stop on a cliffhanger. A cliffhanger! Argh. I wanna know why Heijj is theeereee
Guest chapter 1 . 12/26/2018
I love it! ️
Red Moon Lollipop chapter 14 . 3/18/2018
I love this story so much! I'm really interested to see where it goes!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/16/2018
emptymorgue chapter 7 . 12/1/2017
cant wait to see what kaito’s plan is c:
which is why i’m not going to wait lol
emptymorgue chapter 3 . 12/1/2017
0o0 dangg
ahgoisa chapter 14 . 11/29/2017
Plz come back to this story. Dont abandon it!
Yolo chapter 14 . 11/28/2017
Update please! I really enjoy this and I would like to see the ending!
ridiculouslyhappy chapter 14 . 11/15/2017
Oh man, what will become of everybody? How will it end? I really do love this story, everything about this is amazing! The writing, the characterization, and the pacing is perfect! I hope this gets updated soon, because the suspense is too great! I enjoyed reading this a lot! Great job!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Please, pretty please! Continue this story!
Waiting for tour back!
Mango Supreme chapter 14 . 5/24/2017
Im torn between laughing and confusion on the random Heiji appearance at the end.
like how - i love it mind you- from being late for school to right in the deep of the woods.

very heiji

And im excited to read on the how and why on the next update!
thank you for sharing this its a treat!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/22/2017
Wha-?! What on earth was Hattori doing there?! :0 But man, even though this is mostly serious, some parts crack me up so much! Which, I guess, is impossible to NOT happen when both Kid and Conan interact a lot. Though it's probably just cause things usually get pretty funny when Kid/Kaito is involved. (That part with the Shounen Tantei got SOO many giggles out of me.) But now I'm sad cause this story is nearing it's end, but it seems to be abandoned... (๑o̴̶̷̥᷅﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑) It'd be really awesome if you continued this equally awesome story! Also, by the way of Kaito acting as Kid with Ran, I'm guessing he'll also tell the Nakamoris once Ran is safe, that he took Kaito's place, right? That way they won't hate his alter ego even more, lol. He could just say that he gave the real Kaito an address to one of his safe houses and took his place when he went back into the bathroom again. And I'm sure they wouldn't put it past Kaito to have snuck out through the air vents or something. (It'd really suck if they hated his alter ego even more than before. (٥-́﹏-))
Rockster chapter 14 . 1/17/2017
Seriously, this story is pretty good!
I love how you manage to keep up everyone's character, and manage to have an awesone plot in it. The fact that it is Ran who got caught instead of Aoko is a pretty interesting idea, now that's rarely seen in Fanfiction site in my opinion.
Pairing up with Conan/Shinichi and Aoko during the plot works up pretty well (not in romantic terms BTW) and pretty dynamic too! I had a great time reading how Aoko reacted with Conan's actions when Conan just confront Aoko to not leave the country and tell her to save Kaito and Ran. It is nice to see that this teamwork is written pretty well in this story.
What about Kaito and Ran? Well, we had not seen too much about it yet, but the fact that you had made Kaito instruct Ran how to escape from the captors in an awesome way. Also, I just love the fact that Kaito just put the rookie captor to sleep with sleeping gas, that right there felt so classic.

Anyway, pretty nice story and I hole you could update this story. Heiji just popped up to save Aoko and Conan there leave a huge cliffhanger and put me on the end of my seat there!
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