Reviews for Skyward Swaps
Guest chapter 18 . 5/5
I wanna cry!
RandomFan chapter 17 . 4/19/2019
You did well with this chapter! I kinda miss Fi but it provides a new perspective: imagine being in Ghirahim’s place, day after day, with a master who treats you like a toy: how would you not go insane? I think that Ghirahim would like this fanfic better than the game, and I think I do too. Actually I know I do because how do you “think” you feel like something? Is that like “kind of” being able to fly before you hit the ground? ️
Guest chapter 6 . 8/21/2018
“Sometimes kindness is enough. Sometimes kindness is all we can give.” from the fanfic Overgrowth (I dunno which chapter)
Guest chapter 18 . 7/12/2018
Dang you, you made me ship Zelda and girahim! Also that was a wonderful ending
Rishia chapter 18 . 10/8/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 4/10/2017
I love all of your zelda fics so much you should do some oneshot funnies about male hylia being scolded by zelda and harassed by girihim. Love your work so much!
SunShark chapter 11 . 1/18/2017
I love their interactions. I love their companionship. And all the similarities they have to cannon. The hero Zelda and master sword ghirahim... you are amazing for putting this together!
Bhge chapter 18 . 12/8/2016
I haven't really read many role-reversal fictions, only like one other in the past, but this is a really nice one! Ghirahim's never been so affable, the character development's well done, and it's overall a very pleasant story to read. Love the little fourth wall breaking that goes on too. :)
Guest chapter 5 . 11/21/2016
I love all your role reversal zelda fanfics you should try to do wind waker or spirit tracks both would be amazing
TheTrueLunarHuntress chapter 10 . 7/31/2016
XD I love that alternate scene! To be honest, If I was in Zelda's role and my boyfriend was Link, I would do the same as much as I love him.
FBFan chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
I love your stories!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/20/2015
It's blue in twilight princess. But other than that you're right
Guest chapter 6 . 8/18/2015
There is no one I have ever met who doesn't like GLaDOS. she is one of (or is) the best villain in video games ever, alongside kefka and Ghirahim. There is no possible way she could be considered a bad villain
The Unplanner chapter 16 . 8/3/2015
Fairies are awesome. They are often the only reason Link can get from the beginning of any quest to the end (I'm looking at YOU, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link!). Frankly, what you did with Fi was a lot more believably debilitating than what Ghirahim did to separate Link and Zelda in canon. An indirect hit from Ghirahim's laser on Link's HAND should not have kept Link from chasing Ghirahim immediately. Besides, wounds like that are what fairies are for.

There's a lot of inconsistency in how Potions are portrayed in fanfiction, in terms of their effectiveness. The games clearly treat them like Senzu beans, especially Blue Potions. But having a Senzu Bean on hand would make it a lot harder to make Link's quest any harder, and easy quests don't build character. So the Potions are usually less effective in books than they are in games.
The Unplanner chapter 18 . 8/3/2015
This is about what I expected, which means it is AWESOME! Props to HolyMaiden24 for coming up with an idea that, by all rights, should have spawned a demonic crack-fic. And greater accolades to her for turning that idea into an epic odyssey worthy of the title "The Legend of Zelda!" Given the above, I'm going to refer to the canon Legend as "The Legend of Link." ...Only in my head, of course. Saying it out loud works for humorous purposes, but I have to admit "The Legend of Zelda" rolls off the tongue better. Which means, in a roundabout, highly illogical way, that your story is superior to the canon.

Not that cracky, humorous elements are absent from the story. Far from it. That just makes it more well-rounded. The canonical Legend of Zelda is often lacking in the kind of humor that would make it come alive; another reason why Groose is awesome. I still stand by my headcanon that he became the first commander of the true Knights of Hyrule, from which the Hero is always descended or at least associated. Remember Tetra's pirate gang? They're also descended from the Knights of Hyrule, according to some interesting paintings in the Hyrule Castle of that game. And that means Groose became very important in his own right, if he followed the path he chose past the point of "Granny's" disappearance. Something to maybe mention in future chapters of future installments? Pretty please with a ridiculous pompadour on top?
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