Reviews for Meeting Her
numbuh44 chapter 1 . 10/27/2014

Very very amazing one shot

But ow xD
Swag Giraffe chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
Aaww, poor Amir! Although I'll admit, I was suspicious that she at least had a boyfriend. Man, he kinda made a fool outta himself, didn't he? ;) I really liked this one-shot. Very well written, and quite a creative plot. I only have a couple suggestions... and that would be when a person is thinking/talking about themselves, you should capitalize that letter 'I'. And there should be an apostrophe between the 'I' and any subsequent letters, lime "I'm" and "I'd" and "I'll". Just some tips! :D All in all, really great! (I love Sanjay... eehee. He's so cute...)
