Reviews for An Arrow Of Salt And Ice
marati2011 chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
This is a great story
ColdFang chapter 1 . 11/12/2017
Very Nice!
scrum chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
omg this has to have a continuation u are oh so lovely omg!
Gamemakers chapter 1 . 9/26/2014
Lovely fic. I *really* enjoy your imagery, and though I'm not a huge fan of the backstory you've created for Syrena, I think it does a fantastic job of explaining her gentle nature, hate for Blackbeard, and special interest in Philip.

Just a little thing at the very beginning - the third word of the prose should be spelled 'vicious,' not 'viscious.' Also, I'm not sure what tense this is intended to be written in. In places, it's entirely in past tense, while other parts are in present tense, and sometimes within a paragraph the two will be mixed.

All in all, this was wonderful. Great job!
invisiblemirage chapter 1 . 9/25/2014
Words can't describe how utterly beautiful this is. I loved every single second of it. The backstory with Syrena and Blackbeard was sheer brilliance. I felt as if every word was as beautiful as a mermaid's song. This piece is incredible. Thank you for writing it. It was a blessing to read and incredibly well done.
There were a few tense issues, but nothing too severe. That would be the only thing I would change. The rest reads like a dream. I haven't enjoyed a fanfiction piece this much in a very long time. Amazing job.
guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2014
this is so fantastic why isnt this more popular this iS AMAZING