Reviews for The Tragic Passing Of A Cherry Blossom
Sai55 chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
I was so happy that in this fic, sakura will die and came, but sadly I didn't realize you were a hinatard, ugh great, another fic ruined by hinata.
oghren chapter 5 . 8/3/2019
So far it's an interesting story and you've done a good job besides a few speaking mistakes. I just can't remember who is in the harrm now, and if Temari isn't then I would like for her to be. But ultimately it's your story so you write it how you want it to be. All in all good job and keep it up.
NinjaFang1331 chapter 5 . 8/3/2019
Excellent update
Leaf Ranger chapter 5 . 8/3/2019
Sorry about the anonymous reviewer. I had someone say the same thing to me as well once. On pretty much all my fnafics. But I dealt with it by exposing them for the pathetic excuse they were.

Anyways, wow...poor Naruto. He really is going to be dealing with a lot. hopefully a few girls can help him do that.

Keep up the excellent work!
claymaster27 chapter 5 . 8/2/2019
i just read chap 5 only since that where it will really start and it is interesting keep it up and try to not think of anything else it should be a good distraction
ps2boy.zachary chapter 5 . 8/2/2019
nice work looking forward to the next chapter
Time Parad0x chapter 1 . 8/2/2019
While the premise of the story with the death of Sakura is an intresting one -
The execution leaves much to be desired.

Throughout the chapters there far too many lines who paraphrase but repeat what was said a few lines before it distrubts the flow of the story rather considerably.

Then there a IMO quite huge flaws in how the story progressess.

Why start the story with an concerned Iruka whose concerns have absolutles no impact to the story whatsoever - There werent any ANBU shadowing Team 7 in the forest of death, despite the promise of the Hokage to protect them ... there werent more ANBU on the ready to intervene since only Anko and for whatever reason Kakahshi were present - without the later one there would essentially have been no changes to who was involved in canon ..

Then why was it even necessary to get all the relevant Konoha and Suna teams involved in the fight of Team 7 against Orochimaru ... none of them made any impact that couldnt have been achieved hundreds of different ways without us having to read through 5 chapter in, which nothing of interest aside from Sakura dying happens.
Orochimaru could have just backhanded Sakura resulting in her dying shortly after Naruto appears with Karin ... no need for all the others to be there ...
And then have Naruto go 4tail and prevent Orochimaru from giving Sasuke the curse seal ... this would have had the same endresults wihtout being overly complicated and most of all long ... and unrealistic ...

All sensing the Kyuubi Chakra very strange ...
Kakashi losing against Orochimaru, while i think in a 1 vs 1 he would eventually die, he is strong enough to hold his own at least until his chakra runs out ... Kakahshi is a borderline S-rank shinobi ... so him seeing losing against one undefined clone of Orochimaru just rubs me the wrong way ... i mean every single genin from Naruto to Sakura displayed more competence (able to wound hit Orochimaru ) than Kakashi and Anko did ... and that is just sad ...
Frequent Reader chapter 2 . 7/7/2019
Interesting take, having Karin early on. Is it wrong if I don’t feel bad Sakura got offed? Way I see it, it’s her own fault.
Leaf Ranger chapter 4 . 9/25/2018
Well, a sad chapter to be sure. I hope they can recover from this. Lee is probably going to have it 4th toughest, after Ino, Sasuke, and Naruto.

Keep up the excellent work, and I hope things get better for you!
Lazymanjones96 chapter 4 . 9/25/2018
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
DragonPony022 chapter 4 . 9/25/2018
this was interesting for sure. I don't think Gai will punish Lee or anything. this is the first time he has lost someone close to him and he IS just a child they all are that seem to be the thing everyone forget. sure the can spit fire and shoot lightning but these are 12-13 year olds. I honestly can't stand the third to be frank. well to real I can't stand how he only mentioned Naruto of people he is worried about. I am not a big Sasuke fan but damnit he need some major help too with this. he even said he hope this doesn't mess him up more, the key word being more. that means he knows Sasuke is having a hard time and have done nothing to help care more about his little walking nuke than anyone else, and even his care for Naruto is half ass honestly. I hope we get to see how kakashi is handling this, he has now lost another student one around Rin's age at that. I just really really hope you don't rush any romance this is all starting as a tragedy and need to keep that ton for a nice while to show just how much this death will effect all those that were close to Sakura
harvald chapter 4 . 9/25/2018
My condolences and thanks for the chapter.
harvald chapter 2 . 9/25/2018
Yes, the Banshee is dead. Sorry to say, but I'd always thought her a joke until she met Tsunade. This is what should happen to an unprepared shinobi and probably wipe the whole cell. Yes, she had potential but in contrast to Naruto, she wasted it willfully.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2018
Remove cloud this phone
thunderofdeath97 chapter 3 . 10/6/2017
yugao, kurenai, temari, ino, female kyubi all for narutos harem
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