Reviews for To Court a Swan
TashaRose chapter 4 . 9/22/2015
Great ideas and story.
TashaRose chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Great start tot this one. I would have loved to see some of this happen in the first part of the year.
AmayaBlack chapter 4 . 12/12/2014
So good :D
cyn chapter 4 . 10/7/2014
another excellent story. this season is turning out great!
TutorGirlml chapter 4 . 9/18/2014
Once again, I loved this! I love the way you wrote both Emma and Killian. Emma's emotion comes across as very honest and true here, and almost as though she doesn't want to admit how much she cares, but in the face of Killian's love and concern, she can't help it.
Beyond that, Leroy's snow monster theory cracked me up! :) I loved again the idea that there is this chemical/elemental attraction or awareness, like how Emma knows it's Killian who has come after her when she leaves the diner. I loved the magic swirl that enveloped them when they kissed, loved that they were literally kissing in the middle of the street and Emma didn't even realize it, and of course, Killian's adorable plans for courting and dating his Swan. :)
Wonderful, wonderful story!
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 4 . 9/17/2014
Imagine having this in those eps, it would be like a dream come true :) Loved it!
Katrina chapter 4 . 9/17/2014
Well, I've really enjoyed this story and am sad to see it end there but understand your logic. A wonderful conclusion and if only we could see the episode go down like this where she admits her feelings for him, I'd be a very happy woman (sigh) :)

Nicely characterised throughout and a lovely upbeat ending.

Thanks for an enjoyable read!
Katrina chapter 3 . 9/16/2014
Absolutely love this chapter and the previous. Really enjoying your take on the spoilers we've had so far. Characterisation is good and the action was written really well. Can't wait to read your take on why Emma is angry and how Killian responds.
TutorGirlml chapter 3 . 9/15/2014
I"m betting she can't help but want to run again. She feels herself cared enough to be emotionally destroyed if something happens to him, and she doesn't want to make herself that vulnerable again. Rude snow beast is right! If he hadn't come along and made her realize that, they'd be headed out for their first official date by now. I couldn't help giggling that poor Doc's Miata has been a magical casualty yet again. I love that Charming got right into the thick of their battle with them and that he was there to help Killian up when Emma stalked off and give him advice/encouragement. He truly is another one of my favored characters. :)
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 3 . 9/15/2014
Well I think she doesn't want to accept how afraid she was for him or maybe because she thought of Regina or both?
TutorGirlml chapter 2 . 9/15/2014
Oh another perfectly enjoyable and entertaining chapter to this new story! I loved Killian's teasing her about the conversation he overheard she and Mary Margaret having, and the way he kissed her palm and her reaction to it. It was so flirtatious and very in-character with the banter on both sides. I love the description of them as two magnets, drawn to each other irresistibly - a very apt comparison! I also love Emma's inner denial that his attentions are affecting her: "it did not make the butterflies go crazy..." Ha ha, it's Killian we're talking about, of course it does! :)
Now they have to go take care of another crisis! But I think you're right, in Storybrooke, they're probably going to have to get used to that!
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 2 . 9/13/2014
Awww an even cuter chapter!

Update soon!
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 1 . 9/13/2014
Aww so lovely!
daxx04 chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
TutorGirlml chapter 1 . 9/10/2014
I'm so glad to see that you've started something else, however many or few chapters it may end up being. :) Updates to stories of yours are like a treat to look forward to when they show up in my favorites! I especially liked Ruby's inclusion in this first chapter; it was both a nice touch to show just how truly smitten with Emma that Killian's doesn't even want his attention drawn to Ruby's obvious physical charms, and it was also adorable how she embarrassed him let him him know she was happy for them both.
The part at the end between Killian and Henry was wonderful too. I'm glad that you have Henry being so onboard with Killian courting his mom. I really think that Henry will have no problem with it at all, and probably will think it's pretty cool. I'm sorry to see Regina so downtrodden, but I think she probably will be for a few episodes until the major love triangle hiccup has been resolved.
Can't wait to read more-great work!
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