Reviews for Getting Blitzed
rmcrms5 chapter 22 . 7/13
And now I'm bawling. So many feels!
rmcrms5 chapter 21 . 7/13
Awe! Edward is so awesome. He needs to give lessons how to help your partner during pregnancy.
rmcrms5 chapter 20 . 7/12
So sweet!
rmcrms5 chapter 15 . 7/12
I knew it!
rmcrms5 chapter 13 . 7/12
Gotta love Rainbow!
rmcrms5 chapter 11 . 7/12
Belle chapter 37 . 7/4
Omg, Danny was a precious little sunshine to this story, that one caracter we want to put in a bottle and never let go... Seriouly, I DO CRIED A RIVER right now, but it was so beautiful and delicate how you manage his storyline! Thanks for it! Also, despite my tears, I'd like to thank you for this story. It made my quarantine much happier. Brazilian hugs and brigadeiros for you! Xoxo
Droolia chapter 37 . 6/30
What is this thing that is leaking from my eyes? You made me cry twice in this chapter. Rip Danny.
Siriusmunchkin chapter 63 . 7/1
Champ will never accept his daughters growing up any more than any other father, lol. Rainbow will keep him from going off the deep end, she is the best cat ever! Love hearing what's happening in their lives, sure beats reality at the moment.
NB13 chapter 63 . 7/1
I found out accidentally some translation of SC, read it and liked it, and only recently found out that only half of it was translated! So, I searched for the full version, read and loved it, and then I saw GB and was sooo happy! I adore the family you created, seeing Edward developing and maturing, seeing his and Bella's wonderful relationship and then witnessing all the rest... It was a beautiful journey! I do hope you will still revisit them and give us some slices of their lives, as I would love to know more about Chelsea's relationship (their first date, how her football guy get along with our Cockyback etc.), Sammy's or maybe some snippets of Emmett freaking out because of his daughters... or whatever else catches your fancy to write! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that amazing reading adventure! Although I have to admit that I was really taken aback by lack of press, I mean, there was only that two moments in their history (first when the Uni press got wind of the two dating, and then when this blonde stopped Edward after that awful dinner with Grandmonster). I thought that there would be some drama with how paparazzi go for shots of athletes' lives, but maybe it was for the better, after all our narcist would be really mad if he read something unfavorable about his lookAll in all: I love this story and will be revisiting for sure (and hope you will do that too!) 3 3 3
crackupmonkey chapter 63 . 6/20
Ah love these two and Rainbow! Thanks for sharing!
dnmann chapter 63 . 6/6
Good chapter.
underuroath chapter 48 . 6/6
im just writi g to let you know i love uuuuuuuuuuu!
Fleur50 chapter 63 . 6/2
J’ai adoré !
Fleur50 chapter 62 . 6/1
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