Reviews for Lotus
guanacowriter chapter 8 . 4/27
No words can describe my feelings now.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/22/2016
I know you said this would Bethe last of the den series but I was wondering if you would do a short continuation of Natsume finding out his actually half yokai and then not trusting other humans besides his foster parents and Tanuma... Maybe being put back together emotionally by Tanuma or Nyankos human form ( saw a version of it in a DJ totally awesome) Natsume needs some love!
Natalis chapter 7 . 9/2/2016
Poor Natsume. Poor, sweet, beautiful Natsume.
This story is a medicine for my regular dark necessities.
crow chapter 7 . 4/23/2016
this story is so scary yet so good!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/14/2016
Omg, did Natsume just die?
crow chapter 6 . 3/5/2016
I love this story
Crow chapter 5 . 12/5/2015
Im excited to finally see the next chapter!
The plot is developed at such a great pace, and your writing style is simply breath-taking. I love getting to feel and know both the anxieties and thoughts of both Matoba and Natsume.
The more direct thoughts you placed inside the parenthesis really did a great job of setting and explaining the pacing of emotional and imagery filled words around them.

Also I love seeing the sort of conscience/guilt Matoba is starting to feel, I can't wait to see this even more developed!

I really aspire to be able to write with such a great style like you do. I know you must put in a ton of work into this series, so Thank you so much for that!