Reviews for Walking Canes and Parasols
ElectricSpinz chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
wtf is a pregnant smile rofl XD
LizzyA10 chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Awe that was sweet. There really aren't enough first for this ship.
Fourze chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
This is bad. I'm getting used to talking!Neo
xoxfiresignx chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
This is sickeningly sweet and I love it. Despite having no idea how Neo actually speaks, you've fit dialogue into her character extremely well.
Combatflaps chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
That was excellent. The noise was turned down, and the snark was turned all the way. I think this story really shows off the best sides of Neo and Roman. Good job.
VoidMaster chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Dear Author,
First, let me start off by saying that I agree with Mr. Torchwick one-hundred percent. Cinders' bad timing -is- in fact, exquisite. As is this story. It was a merry little bundle of laughs which was both sorely-needed and thoroughly enjoyed during a rather trying few weeks. I hope you enjoyed writing it, as I have very much enjoyed reading it.

P.S. Happy writing and many, many muses. Best of luck in you endeavors.
Yours sincerely,
Arieko chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
Holy hell! I loved this! Neo messing with Roman teasing him about all of Rwby was amazing lmao! This pairing was great! I loved it.
Anonemuss14 chapter 1 . 9/6/2014
Not bad. This isn't quite what I envisioned Neo would be like, but that's fanfiction for you. I'm a little sad that this is only a one-shot. It would've made for a very entertaining series. A collection of one-shots perhaps?

Just an idea.