Reviews for To forget is to die
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2017

50cyg chapter 7 . 7/1/2017
AHHH I'm so sorry I didn't get to this right away!

OMG I can't believe how quickly you got this done :D I'm SOOOOO excited!

Okay okay, turning phone on silent, locking myself in my room, and here we go! Ahh I'm so happy

Ahh the digihusbands always in sinc, always thinking the same thing *squeels* and I love that Taichi knows he's going to do it and pulls him back while simultaneously going for it himself ahh so perfect

"because that look, that cursed smile, was all the confirmation Yamato needed" he knows from a look and it's just so kjhduewfhiwehf

"red red red red red RED" this whole paragraph is fantastic, and well written *claps enthusiastically*

"he doesn't like broccoli even though it's the best vegetable representation of him" haha I can't believe you threw a joke into this crazy emotional roller coaster and it totally made me laugh

"he taps the back of my hand three times with two fingers when he wants attention and everyone's watching so he can't just say it" nawww and I headcanon this now

"and his eyes light up when you mention his favourite things and and MINE and and and and HE CAN'T BE THIS!" oh god my heart, ah right in the feels *clutches chest*

oh my god oh the way you described that scream oh my god you are way too good at this

omg my mom just started talking to me through the door and I just screamed "don't talk to me, don't talk to me, I can't handle this, it's so good, go away" pretty sure she is thoroughly confused

*curls into a ball* too many feels... can't handle the feels... can't handle... can't... dying
Angelfish369 chapter 7 . 6/28/2017
I love this. I love all those details that ran through Matt's head as he recalled why he loves Tai. But overall it was just so overwhelmingly graphic and raw. Like...the feeling of that trauma of believing that the person he loves exploded and is literally raining down in crimson globs and coating him. I can't's just so traumatic and scarring! And then just wailing and screaming because there is no other way to react... This is fantastic and I am so glad to read your writing again!
50cyg chapter 6 . 6/16/2017
Spoiler Warning

Aww, it just hit his shoulder... I'm a little disappointed, I mean it's Taichi, he can walk that shit right off lol
Have I mentioned yet that I love this crazed Myotismon? Cause I do
Tai is shocked that Yamato is basically dying from severe wounds and I'm shocked that he isn't already dead lol
"It's a miracle I'm still standing" THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!
omg this whole scene with Deimyotismon plunging his claw into Yamato and the effect it's having is wicked cool :D
Woah that (the code and the egg and the message) was brilliant
mmmmmmm, that was a very satisfying way to end this fic
Thank you
50cyg chapter 5 . 6/16/2017
Spoiler Warning

I don't care if he's acting like he's possessed, Taichi being protective of Yamato is the best thing ever
Deimyotismon eating Devidramon's is awesome
"uh his mind, he's usually got more to say" love this line
oh no no no, Sora O.O :(
Funny I'm actually kinda mad at Sora for jumping in front of him and taking the attack as well haha, me and Taichi are on the same wavelength
"don't do anything I would" love this and the two lines that follow from Koushiro and Taichi :)
Where the heck did the dagger come from?
I am so so so happy with how this chapter ended :D
50cyg chapter 4 . 6/16/2017
Spoiler Warning

Now it's getting all Outlander up in this fic lol (I see two people having an intimate moment and suddenly getting a gun aimed at them and I think Outlander :P)
"In this world there is no such think as hope" umm, Yukio, Takeru and his crest would like a word with you
Omg the moment when Taichi remembers everything and get's completely overwhelmed, holy shit it's written so well :O I love it
"a little weird but I'll take it" dawww I love this line
Woah what the hell, Yamato is injured and he's getting the crap beat out of him, I'm seriously concerned right now omg
Jesus, what is Yamato made of? Adamantium?
Everything about Yamato and Taichi's conversation in the second half of this chapter was great, with Taichi acting kind of robotic and Yamato not "complying", love it
50cyg chapter 3 . 6/16/2017
Is it dumb that I feel I should put spoiler warning in front of my reviews? Whatever I'm doing it anyway just in case

Woah, Jyou is a badass in this fic
Seriously who is Hideki and can I smack him please?
It's getting Twilight up in this fic lol
I'm actually very concerned about Yamato, Jou doesn't even know if he's going to last the night and he's getting caught up in a love triangle, jeez poor guy
I still want to smack Hideki, especially after he just talked shit about my perfect brown eyed, poofy haired boy
oh, this is getting interesting
50cyg chapter 2 . 6/16/2017
When Tai almost kissed him I was on the edge of my seat
Wait why re they going to look for the egg? Is it not the white one that Taichi woke up with and then brought with him? Hmm I must have missed something
I have an issue with the fact that Yamato seems to have taken over the leadership role... I just don;t personally think he could ever lead the group due to his personality. But everyone sees the characters differently and that's what makes the fandom so great :)
I really enjoyed Taichi's inner thoughts about him and Yamato
Every time Tai goes in for a kiss my heart skips a beat
Sarcasm Yamato? You know Taichi's always the boss :P
50cyg chapter 1 . 6/16/2017
This story is great! I was hooked from the very beginning, what a great opening. You made me very curious about what was going on
I absolutely adore Yamato's entrance, it's great and raises so many questions plus he comes off like a straight up bad ass and I love it
I really like that Yamato doesn't sit down and is instead leaning up against the wall. I actually love that so much, it's just a small thing but it makes me super happy
Omg they thought he exploded and they were drenched in his blood! BEST THING EVER!
The concept for this story is a really good one, I'm very interested in seeing what you do with it. And I've been wanting to read a fic that deals with the idea of Taichi loosing his memory :D
Also I feel bad for the group, they always have to deal with thinking Taichi is dead :P
Sea Queen - JoKessho chapter 6 . 7/28/2015
Thanks for writing this story - it was really good! :)
Celaj15 chapter 6 . 6/2/2015
That was a surprise happy ending. :) DemiMyotismon heals Yamato and Tai gets his memories back AND Tai gets Yamato. LOL Almost seems too cheesy if it wasn't for the fact that Tai had to fight for all of it! Great story. :) I'm glad there are still Taito/slash fans out there.
prodigious11 chapter 6 . 12/1/2014
Loved the ending! Thought everything was great! I have read this story probably 3 times now I loved it!
Kenta16 chapter 5 . 11/3/2014
I really liked this story. It's different in some ways, and that's what I look for in a fan fiction.
StarChild chapter 5 . 10/13/2014
So in love with this story, all the characters are on point (except for brainwashed-Tai of course!) and very believable. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next, fingers crossed Tai and Yamato finally get their happy ending (after all the action of course)
BP chapter 5 . 10/12/2014
Absolutely loving this story so far! So many emotions and a great mix of action and romance. Can't wait to read more...
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