Reviews for Harry Potter's Sorrow and The Consequences It Resulted In
Sara The Lady Dalian chapter 9 . 2/13/2018
We're left there? ugggg...
fanficnewbee chapter 9 . 10/2/2017
Loving everything so far, thank-you.
AnimeFreak71777 chapter 9 . 3/1/2017
domsijohn chapter 9 . 12/26/2016
Like the harry fury thing
domsijohn chapter 2 . 12/26/2016
Kinda crazy
domsijohn chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
So good very good
Guest chapter 9 . 12/4/2016
This story is so different from the usual I love it. Please continue. More chapters please
kirsty21 chapter 9 . 10/13/2016
Myra the Dovahkiin chapter 9 . 6/8/2016
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
Padfootette chapter 9 . 11/12/2015
Fantastic story I loved it and I can't wait for more please update soon
randomplotbunny chapter 9 . 10/7/2015
I am loving this! I so cannot wait for more! XD
zayabeldraga chapter 4 . 9/21/2015
Uhm I just noticed this but it was Fred that died, not George. Unless you did that on person.
zayabeldraga chapter 2 . 9/21/2015
When I read the Graceling part Iwent YAAASSS
Stormglass chapter 9 . 9/15/2015
This is a brilliant story! I love it! XD I hope Harry and tony end up together!
Saturnblue chapter 9 . 9/15/2015
Well as you moved up to the food chain your list of enemies grows longer and paranoria grows higher too. More secret will have more stress no matter the situation. I like the riddle Harry setup for Fury it's rather clever idea and gives him a message only he can solve with the correct number.

It's hilarious to see Thor was shocked or couldn't get his head around the idea Harry able to lift the hammer and he couldn't. lol With help from his new friends or friends he help in return may turn these people to become better than the actual canon.

I hope Fred will able to get better as time goes by. Maybe he needed someone that could help heal him in another way besides therapy. Most of the effort have to be himself of wanting to get through this trouble time and not let it beat him down to the dirt.

Teddy is simply too cute.
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