Reviews for Haruhi's Best Friend
M.v.j.M chapter 62 . 11/13/2019
I greatly enjoy this story but please more of Bernard the devil duck, he’s my personal favourite part ;)
MU5IC-FRE4K chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
I love the story so far, it got a great start! Can I just say, as I am in Chapter 5 rn, can you please write the correct names? It bothers me to be honest it's Kanako Kasugazaki and Tohru Suzushima
But other than that, I can relate to Tomoru a lot - even Yuli calling her T - some of my friends call me that as well - but also with being directionally challenged, me too, swear
I love it so far, again, please just correct these two names
Manglelove chapter 53 . 6/22/2019
Hey i hope you're doing well. I love this very much.. and i hope that you are taking your time with this and making it as great as you've always have. Don't give up! you can do it! one step at a time!
Guest chapter 53 . 6/8/2019
I love this. It's funny, and shows alot about the characters. Please keep making this story.
Susanne Ketchum chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Domenica Oden chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Brittaney Hinson chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
SailorCandy chapter 53 . 9/4/2018
After reading this I’m comparing every OC x Kyoya work to yours. It’s so good!
Momochan77 chapter 53 . 8/31/2018
Excellent updates. I think Tomuru is acknowledging Kyoya more. See you next update! Please let it be soon!
Charm99 chapter 51 . 8/22/2018
This story is so funny I can't wait for the next chapter update soon please
Manglelove chapter 51 . 7/22/2018
hey i was wondering... what does tomuru look like? like eye color, hair, and skin?
nmesih chapter 25 . 7/3/2018
*cough* Azula *cough*
nmesih chapter 23 . 7/3/2018
I love cactus juice! Nothing's quenchier! It's the quenchiest!
Momochan77 chapter 51 . 6/15/2018
I hope you update really soon again! I love how this episode is going with Tomo with Kyoya instead of Haruhi. See you next update!
Momochan77 chapter 50 . 6/15/2018
Excellent way to end this episode. And no Tomo you can’t shapeshift! See you next update!
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