Reviews for Suffering from those words
theunicorn22 chapter 39 . 2/14/2018
Tbh when first reading this story I was kind of like, "it's ok" because it seemed very rushed and unplanned. However, God bless my decision to stay with it. I started to understand your way of writing and really love the small twists you put it. I really liked who Lucy ran into when she fell off the cliff, although it was never really explained why there was so much blood on the rock. I loved how you brought back the dragons and made Lucy train with swords! I know you were going through a lot so I hope you're doing better. The only thing that I would ask to add is maybe more detail? However, I really hope you continue this story when you have the time because your ideas are really good.
Fairytail chapter 18 . 11/11/2017
Faery'sConfessions chapter 38 . 10/17/2017
Aw Hun it's okay, we all struggle and need some time sometimes. I'm not about to say I know what you're going through cause we all go through things differently and I'm not in your shoes, but most of us here do support you. Take your time, you don't write for money and have no obligation to further stress yourself. Focus on you and ignore the drama, hell embrace the cold heartedness, you'll need it when you get a real job and this shit still happens. Best of luck!
Kokyou Konran chapter 38 . 10/16/2017
Don't. Just don't. Don't even think about worrying about updating. If you've lost that motivation and spark to write, then it's just gonna feel like a chore and it'll make you feel worse. Your quality of writing will go down and you'll be unhappy with what you put out. Real life problems always get in the way, so that's why you should concentrate on either fixing those problems or getting rid of them. You won't be letting anyone here down if you take a long break. Although there are assholes out there, there are people on the internet who are understanding and sympathetic (and some even empathetic) to your situation. Like you said, you only have one more year left, then you're free from those people. Get your life together like you said in the real world and then come back when you're ready and feel more motivated to write.
Sorry if I sound harsh in your opinion, but I feel you shouldn't come back just yet. Although I have not been in as harsh a situation as yours, I have had a few of those things happen to me. Especially the dead motivation. I have a project that I started in the spring for school that is part of a class that I need to graduate. Partway through the semester I lost motivation to work on it. Now I have to turn it in soon or else I fail that class and have to return next semester (and mayve even longer depending on if that class is even available next semester). So now I feel forced to work on it and it's such a chore. It makes me hate myself for not being able to finish it when all my classmates were able to.
Obviously writing on ff is not gonna be a make or break for you in real life, but it can still change you and how you see your writing. Finding someone to talk to can help and I'm sorry you don't have anyone in real life willing to be there to talk to. What about your parents or teachers or even school counselor? I'm not sure if you've talked to any of them, but I don't doubt you did and they possibly brushed you off. Online would be the best place to find someone willing to listen and help, there are all sorts of free help lines you can find. I would offer myself for you to talk with, but I will be getting busier and busier as time goes on and I really don't like the messaging system on ff on mobile devices (I don't use my computer for ff anymore). I'm sorry if this seems selfish to you.
I should have said earlier, if writing is still thearaputic for you go ahead and write and dismiss what I said earlier. But from what you wrote it seemed as if it's not the case anymore at the moment. I don't know if I misread your words, but that's how it came across to me.
Sorry for the long message, but good luck with your life. Hope everything will get better for you as time goes on.
Too Lazy To Write One chapter 38 . 10/16/2017
Take as much time as you need to work on yourself. I might not understand everything you are going through but I do understand wanting to escape reality. As for the girl who chose herself and her other friends over you, hey it's her loss, I know I don't personally know you but sometimes we just need to hear someone say that, even if it's just a stranger. Good luck.
ctkatieq99 chapter 36 . 2/14/2017
Nooo. Your story is good. I like it so much. I'm looking forward for RoLu. Kyaaa.
Hiina chapter 37 . 9/16/2016
Take your time, dear.

Try new things and do what makes you happy. It's good to know that you want to be free of stress.

And when you're good about yourself, come back the fanfics 3
Guest chapter 37 . 9/8/2016
Take your time, do as you need to, I know I don't often review however it doesn't mean I dislike your work or anybody else's
dfwjkhguieqhfohduwfihljguhu chapter 37 . 9/5/2016
Hurry up, I really love this story!
BabyFox42 chapter 36 . 5/19/2016
Update please...
Faery'sConfessions chapter 36 . 4/24/2016
Hehe im living you story so far, I can't wait to see what happens, hopefully great and the hand will find her and give her back her keys and whip soon, she should really reason with her spirits of she wants to improve more, update when you can!
Jozanimelover chapter 1 . 2/11/2016
I love this story so much...
Mira D. Blackjack chapter 33 . 2/5/2016
Awwww... Miraxus special...! Tq author-san, cuz you make my days.. :)
The Sassy Sylveon chapter 8 . 11/3/2015
"Lucy wouldn't wanted it this way" ya she does for all those sick fucks that basically disowned her.
demonicKitsune2 chapter 15 . 9/11/2015
she with Lyon. Before I was so sure that she was saved by a dragon.
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