Reviews for Writers Block
Feniks109 chapter 23 . 8/10
That was bloody brilliant))
Ness fan 01 chapter 23 . 7/25/2018
I loved this story. Perfect length. So well told. You really got me with the curse reveal after the first half. Very clever how you had MM and David bring her to Storybrooke. I’m glad Killian and Emma still wanted to be together there. At the end, the way Emma felt enough after reading Killian’s book to want to see him was good —just another validation that they’re meant to be together. Thank you for this.
Quicksilvermad chapter 23 . 3/2/2018
It’s been a very very long time since I’ve left a review on FF .net, but I could not afford to finish reading this story without letting it’s author know that it is the best AU I’ve ever read with the most unexpected and brilliant twist. Thank you for writing it.
alohacaptainswan chapter 23 . 6/9/2017
oh wow, awesome fic! Brilliant combination of canon and au!
Pixiepaws1 chapter 14 . 3/11/2017
Just found your stories and devoured Kings and Queens on one sitting and now having some revels in this one.
You are so amazingly talented..a truly gifted storyteller. I love the way you weave in aspects of canon. Your style easy and the story structures seem totally effortless.

Thak you so much for sharing your writing gifts.
NotoriousCS chapter 23 . 2/12/2017
This was fantastic! So creative! I really enjoyed reading it. But I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out the storming the castle reference. What did the minx know the whole time? I don't know if you have stopped writing CS for a reason but I really hope you start again!
Guest chapter 23 . 5/30/2016
Awwwww that was the cutest thing! Is it bad that I liked her correcting his writing better than the actual proposal? That was nice to have, but I love their banter so much. Lol Him going on about artistic license.
This story has been such a joy to read. Thank you for investing the time to plan and write it! I really appreciate that
Guest chapter 21 . 5/30/2016
Yay! They're falling in love all over again! How exhausting for Killian. It's fun for the readers though :)
Guest chapter 18 . 5/30/2016
I want thrilled about the return to magical adventures because Killian as am author really fascinated me, but your version of the cursed lips is so much angstier and makes more sense. Aw poor Killian will probably not ever like roses now.
Guest chapter 18 . 5/30/2016
Lol operation saturation is the best! (I had to stop reading the chapter just to say that because honestly it's pretty good)
Guest chapter 12 . 5/30/2016
Woah I totally did not see that coming. I actually suspected that Gold was using Snowing to get Killian in a place where Gold could finish HIS revenge. I never suspected a curse. Well that was disconcerting. I love all their banter at the end though. Even despite the curse they're still the same. It's so sweet.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/30/2016
Ahhh woah that's huge! What is Killian going to do? This story is so exciting!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/30/2016
Wow I love how you translated her parents' predicament from the show into this story! Working with a magical canon in an non magical AU setting is difficult but I think you found the perfect solution. I'm really impressed by that.
However, Killian voluntarily making a confession like he did in the Echo Cave rubbed me wrong. I understand why you did it for your story, but Killian has his own form of walls. He does seem more comfortable making declarations, but not when he knows they'll make her run or when they are painful to talk about. He didn't tell her about Milah or the full reason for his revenge, she put the pieces together. Now this is an AU and Emma's walls seem to be less than they are on the show so it makes sense you'd adjust Killian's accordingly, but it could be something to think about.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/30/2016
Alfjfbksksns this chapter was gorgeous and beautiful and magnificent but WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN? Come on Emma! It would bet be a Captain Swan story if Emma wasn't like this but it's frustrating. It'd be no fun if that's all it took though. I can stick through to the end and then it will be more satisfying.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/30/2016
I love where you went with Ruby and Killian! It was completely clear that they were friends and I love their banter. It's so sweet how she took care of him and how he takes care of her sometimes. I'm a little curious why she doesn't like him that way though. I would have accepted it, but then you had a sentence about Killian never asking which made me think perhaps you're going to tell us. We'll see.
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