Reviews for No Hacking Cybertronians, Skye!
Wacko12 chapter 4 . 4/19/2019 many Autobots and agents are there? And what was Ward doing there?
JadeDragon100 chapter 12 . 6/12/2018
It’s too bad this isn’t updating anymore, I would have liked to see this continue. Good story by the way! It would have been interesting to see her struggle with her loyalties, especially with the chapter that was planned most likely giving her a sympathy for megatron or something; well, you can’t change what happened but if you were to update this again I would definitely continue reading it
katwe chapter 1 . 5/5/2018

professional hacker trusted person that that can help you
track your wife/husband phone with out anybody knowing,
Thoughfulhacker is the best. He deals with access/passwords
to Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, bbm, Yahoo Mail, Snapchat, Twitter,
Hotmail,various blogs, i-cloud, apple accounts etc. Password retrieval
,clear debts, pay for bills at give a way rates, breach of web host servers,
Guest chapter 3 . 7/1/2017
Would their brain be their "CPU" and their spark, somewhat? Cuz their memories and emotions are in the spark but anything otherwise are in the CPU which is in the head and is why u can "kill" them by some brainbashing. But they are still alive through their spark. That's what creeped me out about Lockdown's killing of Ratchet. He took his spark. And presumably any or all others.
FabinaForever11 chapter 11 . 3/1/2016
FabinaForever11 chapter 9 . 4/25/2015
skylynxprime19 chapter 8 . 3/16/2015
i am in love with this story please continue.
Skyeward MusicLover chapter 7 . 1/19/2015
great chapter. plse update
HeartsGuardianSol chapter 6 . 11/11/2014
:D Yays Skye brought Jazz back! :( Damn that part in the second movie where Optimus dies... -.- good show good show my good chap. Keep it up n.n
Skyeward MusicLover chapter 3 . 10/29/2014
great chapter. plse update
J.T.'s A.X chapter 2 . 9/28/2014
Hahahahahahaha! That's hilarious! XD Can i just say that I love how crazy Skye is? lol )
HeartsGuardianSol chapter 2 . 9/26/2014
XD Come on just give in and hand over you laptop Skye... you don't wanna piss off May... Please up date soon! n.n
Gavoot the Scoot chapter 2 . 9/25/2014
I laughed harder than I should have XD
Keep up the awesomely awesome work!
J.T.'s A.X chapter 1 . 9/17/2014
Hahaha! Damn! if you WERE to continue this, I think it'd be hilarious to watch Skye make Sunny eat his ego when they all prank him to the pit of no return (rotflmao XD) and Sides "fall in love" with the prankster side of her -not a literal romance mind you, just a "PRIMUS! Ilovethewayyouthink! I finally found someone who can help me prank my own brother without fear of being killed in the process!" I could totally see Sides saying that as he falls over laughing after seeing Sunny covered in pink paint with "Galloway was here" written on his aft or something equally hilarious XP :)
HeartsGuardianSol chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
XD Oh... I can only imagine how awful the pranks are going to be.