Reviews for Blue Bananas in the Moonlight - and Selections from the Goblin Kingdom
the Honeycomb chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
There's a lot going on here, but I truly, TRULY, respect and about that you revealed both Jareth and Sarah's thoughts thought this stressful and sometimes heartbreaking but rewarding process. I love how you characterised Sarah as a rather normal 18 year old with those rather typical thoughts and fears and longings, both sexually and not. Not one character or situation seemed to absurd or unreasonable... well except maybe the trials but it was so obviously Rumpelstiltskin that it was easy to overlook the potential logical errors. Such great stories! They're much too detailed to be snippets, yet when I reach the end I don't feel like I'm left at a cliffhanger. Well done!
Stephycats7785 chapter 4 . 8/21/2016
Wow this story had a bit of everything in it and I cannot express how great it actually was. So I will just go with wow.
rin2004 chapter 4 . 9/17/2015
wonderful, funny, amazing and passionate story! I hope you have understood how much I like your story and how happy I am to read each new chapter! are deeply in love of your Jareth, fascinating, powerful, dangerous, seductive and fun and so much envy your wonderful sarah! your characters are characterized in a perfect way without seeming fuuori character from the movie but giving the film a continuity in history and making it all so real! I like the evolution of the winner of the labyrinth as a young mortal girl to a young queen, wife and mother, with all its strengths but also weaknesses to be so young and be transported into a new reality without his loved ones. the child's birth will solve their problems? certainly they are a lovely family and I look forward to reading more of their life together
blumarshin chapter 4 . 9/9/2015
This has been one of the best labyrinth stories I have had the pleasure to read. Thank you for a wonderful tale. I hope to read more :)
Grymmarie chapter 4 . 8/21/2015
Good gawd! I love all your lab fics! I can't wait to see what happens when she learns to fly! Will she ever get to go home and tell them about their baby? Omg what if Robert told Linda that Sarah had come home? What happened to Linda!?
comical freaka chapter 4 . 8/18/2015
I can't even express the pure and utter joy of this update. From the aunties to the sweet little prince; I was pleased with the writing and character s of Sarah and Jareth. Bravo!
Honoria Granger chapter 4 . 8/15/2015
Oh, you're back! What a lovely surprise, and the chapter is sad and wonderful But...Bronwen? As you say, in Welsh, the -wen ending is for girls; boys get -wyn. Sorry, but I just can't get my head past it...and Jareth, no smoking please!
ASunInWinter chapter 4 . 8/15/2015
Today was my birthday... and this was, by far, my favorite gift.
LovelyAmberLight chapter 4 . 8/15/2015
Oh! I hate him!
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. But I love him too.
As I read your story, I find I'm afraid of Jareth. You've never let that dark frightening part of him slip into a lovesick puppy. I adore how he IS king. He rules his kingdom and he rules Sarah. He is powerful. And when he manipulates the world around him, how can Sarah not obey. I've never read a labyfic that better illustrates "fear me, love me, do as I say" better than yours. Sarah is truly and completely trapped. Even if she could leave, she couldn't.

Going home was the most heartbreaking gift yet. I cried over and over with Sarah's losses.

I don't know if any of that makes sense. But... Well done. You have my emotions in turmoil just as Sarah's would have been.
goblinqueen chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
This is the most perfect Sort-of-dark-but-not-really-Jareth fics ever. Jareth is so painfully aroused every time the goblin queen does anything remotely close to affectionate I fervently wish Sarah will show her who's the boss by seducing him and sucking him off or riding him, he'd be a moaning mess and lose his mind and do anything for her, I can just imagine Boltsneeze interrupting again about something urgent and asking if the monarchs will be presentable soon and Sarah throwing Jareth's previous playfulness back in his face- "That depends entirely on the Goblin King, what do you say, Majesty? Soon?". This is one of my very favorite fics and there needs to be moreeeee.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/13/2015
I LOVE this series and I couldn't believe it when part 3 appeared, I really hope there will be more to come, I'm really taken with how messed up their relationship is from the get go but how through everything you get to see how besoted Jareth really is and how powerful Sarah is growing to be and how they actually enjoy each other's company as messed as it is, the sexy bits are fantastic, Jareth being completely at Sarah's mercy is amazing, his more base passions really come through through the writing, dame about sarah's hesitation at enjoying her time with jareth and slowly growing into the massive amount of power she really holds (and jareth happily submitting to it) I love Wog and the gang and their anctics, they're amazing characters!
Kunoichi of the Moonlit Night chapter 3 . 1/19/2015
Read this in one go, and I had a huge Cheshire cat grin on my face the whole time:) I can't for your next update:)
The Kettle Witch chapter 3 . 1/12/2015
I've read all of this and it is definitely one of the best Dark Jareth stories I've read. Very well done. I feel very sad and sorry for Sarah at times, but she is making the best of it. The romantic in me hopes that love will eventually save the day, but it is hard to reconcile that with Sarah's choices being taken away from her. I'm very interested to see how the rest of this turns out.
comical freaka chapter 3 . 1/9/2015
You did great with this update. Lots of emotions here. I just love the goblins! Hope to see more!
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